Win $10,000.00 in the Keep The Faith Sweepstakes

Happy Friday, PCH fans!
How are you? Are you feeling optimistic? Hopeful? Because Keep the Faith and you could win $10,000.00 in the latest PCH sweepstakes!
Times like this can feel overwhelming, but it’s important to remember the little things to make you happy. And there’s also the not-so-little things, like this chance to win $10,000.00 from PCH. We’re calling it the Keep The Faith Sweepstakes because it’s important to keep the faith. To recognize that we’re all in this together. That it’s important to still have fun. To keep hope alive.
As I’m writing this, everyone at PCH HQ is working from home, but we’re still working hard to make sure everything is running smoothly – including all current sweepstakes. Thanks to my devoted coworkers, PCH has not missed a beat when it comes to awarding prizes!
PCH is here to deliver fun, hope and opportunities to win big cash prizes. Like this chance to win $10,000.00. Wouldn’t it bring some joy to your life? We hope so.
Starting today, this event is open for entries. Could you be the lucky winner? You never know! We’re going to keep awarding prizes, so we hope you keep on entering!
$10,000.00 is a lot of money no matter how you look at it. Could you win money? You could! So keep the faith!
This contest ends April 7 at 11:59 PM EST. So, you have until then to get your entries in. We can’t wait to give out $10,000.00 to the next PCH winner.
This prize is guaranteed to be awarded. We hope to help out the lucky winner with a classic PCH “big check.” Get your entries in and you could win! $10,000.00 in cash could be a welcome visitor to your bank account.
Good luck, keep the faith, and thank you for entering this sweepstakes!
Rebecca M.
PCH Online Creative