Win “Forever” PCH TV Commercials — Your First Look!

Last Updated: March 6, 2015

Hi PCH fans! So, it’s that time again – the PCH TV COMMERCIALS ARE ON THE AIR TODAY! I know many people have a habit of muting commercials – or quickly switching to another channel when they pop up on the television screen – but trust me, these commercials will bring a smile to your face and maybe even make you forget which show you were watching. “How can a commercial do all that?” you ask. Well, these commercials feature the August 31st Win “Forever” Prize! Check it out below!


I clearly remember seeing many of PCH’s Big Check commercials growing up and getting a huge kick out of watching those truly excited winners wildly jumping for joy and graciously accepting their Big Check. Today, winners of the PCH Sweepstakes are still just as joyous, and the Prize Patrol is still equally as excited to award the lucky winners. Sure, the hair and the clothes may have changed over the years (for the better, might I add), but the sentiment is still the same all around. Trust me, you won’t find that level of enthusiasm in any old laundry detergent commercial.

If you’ve ever seen any of the PCH Winning Moments, you’re probably familiar with the build-up of anticipation as the Prize Patrol makes their way toward the winner’s door – “Will the winner be home?” you wonder; “How will they react?” Well, the new PCH TV commercials are a virtual concentrate of those winning moments. Plus, it’s a cool, visual introduction to the first-ever Win “Forever” Prize Event. Remember, if you win the “Forever” Prize, that’s $5,000 A Week for your life, then after that, $5,000 a week for life for someone you choose!

This is truly an exciting time for all of us here at PCH and we’re so happy to be able to share it with all of you! In fact, I’m so excited, I just have to share another one of the commercials with you…


So, next time you find yourself in front of the tube, watching your favorite TV show or just channel surfing, look out for the Big Check commercials for the August 31st Win “Forever” Prize Event. Then, be sure to enter at!

Before you go, comment below and let me know what YOU think of the new commercials!

Jussie Wilder At PCH

P.S. There’s a new game in town — and it’s at PCHGames, of course! It’s called “Pathians,” and we think you’re going to LOVE it! Check it out today and tell us if we’re right!