Win It All Prize Has “Everything!”

I have to be up front about this: I can’t win ANYTHING from Publishers Clearing House. But YOU could Win It All! Let me explain!
I’ve been working for Publishers Clearing House for over ten years (where does the time go?), and employees aren’t eligible to take part in our sweepstakes. But in interviewing real winners over the years, I’ve often imagined what it would be like to win our fabulous SuperPrizes. So, today I thought I’d share with you which one of our prizes is my personal favorite … and we just so happen to be promoting it right now!
But let’s go through the list of possible prizes. Since we have many different prize events, it’s hard to pick just one. Of course, we have our $1,000,000.00 giveaways. I’ve spoken to winners like Robb Gonzales and Eva Heatley about their $1,000,000.00 prizes, and just how transformative it truly is. I don’t think anyone would complain when they saw a $1,000,000.00 Big Check show up at their door!
And then we have our “Win For Life” prizes, like $5,000.00 A Week for Life or our “Forever” prizes. What’s great about these prizes is that they pay out steadily over time. It’s not one huge lumpsum, but the reassurance and comfort of knowing that you have financial stability for the rest of your life? There’s really no way to put that into words.
Another incredible type of prize that we give away at Publishers Clearing House is a Brand New Car! We’ve promoted cars at different values over the years, but one thing has always remained constant: they’ve always been something you’d definitely love to drive away in!
Those three types of prizes are all pretty awesome, and each one would bring a unique thrill of its own. But what if I told you that you could win a giveaway that had all THREE rolled into one? Would you jump for joy? Fall out of your seat? Would your knees get weak? Well, put on your seatbelt, because our upcoming “Win It All” prize has everything!
A winner of the “Win It All” prize from Publishers Clearing House will get $1,000,000.00 immediately, then $1,000.00 A Week for Life, PLUS a Brand New Ford Explorer (valued at $55,530.00)! So, forget about the list of prizes above, the winner will get all of this in our upcoming prize event!
I promised that I’d tell you my favorite prize, and the Win It All prize certainly is that! How can you not love a prize that has so many great things about it? But please, make sure you enter! I can never be selected a winner, but it could happen to you! Make sure you’re in it to win it!
Matt K.
PCH Creative
P.S. What is your favorite part about the Win It All Prize? Tell us in the comments below!