Winning With PCH Would Change My Life Because ___________________!

Last Updated: February 18, 2015

winning from PCH would change my life

Hey Blog Readers,

Can you fill in the blank? Winning with PCH would change my life because ______________!

Well, with the $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER” Prize Award coming up in JUST 2 DAYS, I sure hope you can…because you never know if the Prize Patrol will be stopping at your door.  And winning “FOREVER” would mean $5,000.00 A Week for Life for You, Plus, after that, $5,000.00 A Week for the Lifetime of Someone You Choose — so not only would that change your life, but the life of a loved one, too.

So, if you answered, “Winning With PCH Would Change My Life Because ______” with something like:  I could help my loved ones, I could provide for others, I could give my son/daughter/grandchild the future they deserve – let’s try answering it again, but this time, keep in mind that if you’re a Winner on 2/27 you could automatically take care of a loved one’s future.  So that first part…The $5,000.00 A Week For Life…would be totally up to you to spend or save.  How would life change for YOU?

Would you buy a bigger house? Pay your bills? Eat lobster every night?

Would you go on a shopping spree? Vacation in Aruba? Retire early?

What dreams do you have that only money can buy?

You might have a hard time answering this, but remember, winning with PCH would mean lifestyle changes you’ve only dreamed of. And that’s not just for the “FOREVER” Prize. We’ve got lots of other big prizes that could change your life, too — like the “Set for Life” Prize Event coming up that could win you $7,000.00 A Week For Life  on April 30th! Imagine that!  If you won, you’d have to think about what to do with all that money…not just how you’d use it to help your family, but what you’d do for YOU!

So, go ahead and dream big — for yourself and your future — and let me know your answer to this question below: Winning with PCH would change my life because ______________!

Good Luck,

Laurel U.
PCH Creative