Would You Be Ready to Win?

I think it’s safe to assume that everyone dreams of winning a PCH SuperPrize. They fantasize about what to buy, where to go, whom to help. But even though dreaming is wonderful, it’s going to take a little more to be ready to win. So, we put together a fun little “WIN-FOGRAPHIC” with three easy steps to make sure you would be ready to win!
Like I said earlier, dreaming is great, but it won’t win you a SuperPrize. Believe me, I do it too… I wish this, I wish that, and it does all start with a dream. But at PCH, submitting your entries is absolutely essential! We can’t say it enough, you have to be IN to WIN, and that means you MUST ENTER! Don’t put it off till later, don’t say “I’ll get to it,” just enter. Enter as many times as you can. And while you’re at it, there’s way more than SuperPrizes to win. Enter all our fabulous sweeps and play our Instant Win Games too! How many ways do you think you enter? Which is your favorite?
This one is even easier. The Prize Patrol loves to deliver BIG PRIZES in person, so if you hear a knock on your door or your bell ringing, ANSWER THE DOOR! If you’re asleep, wake up! If your busy, stop what you’re doing! These are houseguests you wouldn’t want to miss! In fact, I actually heard someone say that they always make sure they look their best on award day, just in case. So funny. How do you think you would react if you saw the Prize Patrol at your door, with a “Big Check?” Would you scream? Faint? Freeze? This is fun – everybody should comment on this one.
This is the best step of all! Winning millions of dollars is truly life-changing, and believe it or not, some people don’t know what to do with it. My advice to that lucky winner: just enjoy life. The work is over. You’ve submitted your entries, you answered the door, you won LOTS OF MONEY – now it’s time to relax and start eliminating that pesky life-stress that we all experience. How do you think you would enjoy life? What would make you happy? Retiring? Traveling? Please share in the comments section – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
There you have it: Three steps you could take to be ready to win! Maybe we should make a Step Three B: Make sure you look your best on award day just in case. Ha Ha! Anyway, I strongly suggest that you TAKE THE FIRST STEP TODAY … today and every day! Thanks for sharing in my silly little “WIN-FOGRAPHIC,” everyone. Have a great day!
Tina P.
Online Creative