Last Updated: July 29, 2014

Do you want a Big Check

I was getting ready to board a plane on a recent Prize Patrol trip and overheard the following conversation as I stood in the jet-way:

A woman asked a young man standing nearby if he was traveling on business or pleasure.  He said “business,” then told her he’d been on a job interview.  “Where?” she asked — to which he replied “Washington, DC.”   Then he added “and I got the job.”  The woman then said “Oh, how nice. Where?”  He said “The White House” – at which point the woman and everyone around her looked quite impressed.

Seconds later another woman saw my Prize Patrol suitcase and got all excited.  “Are you looking for me?” she asked – at which point several others looked at my bag and got all excited too.

To be honest, among the people waiting in the jet-way there was more excitement about the prospect of winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes than getting a job at The White House.

What would be your preference?

While some cynics (not I) would argue that one doesn’t need any particular skills or intelligence to land a job in The White House, I can assure you that you don’t have to have any special talents or an advanced degree to win a Big Check worth thousands, even millions of dollars!  But you DO have to enter our sweepstakes.  If you don’t enter you can’t possibly win.  And what a shame that would be: to give up the chance of opening your door and seeing the Prize Patrol standing there  — with roses, balloons, champagne and a Big Check with your name on it!

Especially since we’re authorized to award an incredible $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” in our Special Early Look Prize Event this August. That’s no small beans! Remember, if you win the “Forever” prize, you’d receive $5,000.00 a week for your life, plus after that, the payments would continue for the life of someone you choose.

So if you’d like to win a Big Check from PCH rather than a paycheck from Uncle Sam, get started right now.  Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today  — and every day, and the next PCH “winning moment” could be yours!


Wishing you the best of luck.


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador