Last Updated: December 5, 2014

Do you believe you can win from PCH

On many occasions I have blogged about the importance of believing you can win a prize in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.

I know from our Prize Patrol visits to over a thousand winners that without belief and faith these people would not have entered our contests or – heaven forbid! – have won Big Checks worth thousands even millions of dollars.

Some people have asked me whether our list of winners includes any pastors or priests who are known to believe in a lot more than PCH.  Verily, verily: the answer is “Yes. Many.”

Father Mike Berner, a Roman Catholic priest from Iowa, won $1 Million.  His win was covered by a Joan Lundin TV special and led to national appearances with David Letterman and Rosie O’Donnell.  Another million dollar winner, Gertrude Hausman of Pennsylvania, was married to a Lutheran minister.

One time we brought an upstate NY Episcopal congregation into the act when we awarded a $25,000 check to its rector at the coffee hour after a Sunday service.  His immediate reaction was: “Well, thank God from whom all blessings flow!”  We awarded the needy parish another $5,000 for all their help.

Another prize-winning minister joined us at a winner celebration dinner in New York, gave a very thankful benediction, and sent us a thank-you note saying “Keep spreading God’s joy.”  I recall several other pastors – men and women, some active, some retired – who shouted “Thank you Lord” or “Hallelujah!” when we arrived.

Most recently the Prize Patrol surprised two more church persons — on two successive days.  On November 24 we shocked Donna Boyd of Corpus Christi, TX, with $10,000 — at a Lutheran church where she is the parish secretary.  The pastor observed the “winning moment” and told us that made him a “PCH believer.”  Then on November 25 – two days before Thanksgiving — we found Baptist missionary Brian Willis  at his Lexington, SC, home and “christened” him as our newest Million Dollar SuperPrize winner .

Of course displays of religious belief don’t come only from the ministers.  As you’ve seen in our TV spots, many laypersons express their thanks to the Almighty within seconds of the “winning moment.”  On more than a few occasions the wins have been described as “a miracle” and “an answer to prayer.”

Whether you are religious or not, the point is: You can — and you should — believe that YOU can win a Big Check from Publishers Clearing House!  So don’t delay: Enter today – and every day!


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador

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