Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For April!

Happy Spring, everyone! Spring has officially sprung, though you wouldn’t know it here in NY where PCH Headquarters is located. It snowed both the first and second days of Spring, and we got over a foot! But don’t worry – we won’t let back-to-back Nor’easters stop us from going over Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For April!
Week 1: I’ll Have the Usual
Week one starts on a Monday – but we never have “a case of the Mondays” at PCH, because that’s the day that Inside PCH airs live. Don’t forget to visit the PCH Fan Page on Facebook and GET IN TO WIN because Howie and Danielle always give away CASH PRIZES throughout the show! Speaking of CASH, make sure to head over to PCHlotto on Wednesdays, and go for that PowerPrize, where you could become a Millionaire!
Week 2: Search & You Might Win
For week two, we would like to highlight a Search&Win Exclusive. On Tuesday, April 10th, head on over to PCHSearch&Win where you can get 5X ENTRIES to win $1,000.00! While you’re at it, don’t forget to visit PCHfrontpage, because as I’m sure you already know, Tuesdays are “two-fers.” That means you’ll always get double entries!
Week 3: Win Lots With PCHslots
For week three I wanted to highlight PCHslots. I’m not sure if you know this, but you could become a BIG CASH WINNER at PCHslots – no quarters necessary! Exciting daily tournaments give you the opportunity to win CASH and TOKENS every single day! But the real thrill is that you could win $10,000.00 instantly! In fact, you could win $100.00, $10,000.00, and even a SuperPrize – all for playing free slots you love!
Week 4: CASH and KUDOS
For week four, I thought we’d go old-school casino-style with PCHblackjack. Do you guys play? Have you played in a daily blackjack tournament? Well, if not, you’re missing out! Not only is it FREE (of course), and not only is it CRAZY FUN, it also offers you a bunch of different ways to WIN CASH! Plus, you can gain PCHblackjack fame! Top scorers win a $100 CASH PRIZE and have his/her name featured right on the PCH blackjack page! Cool, right? Get all the details right here!
Week 5: Winning At Everyday Life
Even though week five is only one day, it’s still fantastic! On Monday April 30th, the very last day of the month, PCHFrontpage’s Everyday Life event begins! Do you know about this new Frontpage feature? If you go to PCHfrontpage and look at the tab bar, you’ll notice that a new Everyday Life tab has been added to the lineup. Everyday Life is a new health and lifestyle site that has everything you need to know to “win at life!” Let us know what you think of it! So, the Everyday Life event is really exciting, because a) the Prize is a huge $25,000.00 CASH and b) A WINNER IS GUARANTEED! Plus, the “big check” will be hand-delivered by PCH’s very own Prize Patrol! Looks like another winning moment is on the way!
Well, everyone, that takes care of Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For April! Be sure to keep it handy so you can refer to it often. We don’t want you to miss a PCH beat! Have a wonderful Spring, and I’ll talk to you soon!
Tina P.
Online Creative