Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For August

It’s August – and I think we all know what that means – SHARK WEEK! Oh wait, wrong blog. Ha, ha! Although I absolutely LOVE sharks and Shark Week, the matter at hand is the PCH August Calendar, and all the different opportunities to WIN BIG CASH this month. So, with no further ado, let’s go over Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For August!
Week 1: Easing Into the Month
We’re taking things nice and easy on week one, as there’s lots coming up in the following weeks. Yesterday, August 1 was our PCHlotto $25, 000.00 Mega Money Multiplier Event Award Date, to celebrate the launch of our new Lotto Mega Money Multiplier card, and one lucky Lotto player won $25,000.00! But we’re just getting started! This event is so exciting it’s here to stay! You can still play the Mega Money Multiplier card daily for a chance to win up to $250,000.00, so head on over to PCHlotto every day! I also threw a little reminder on this week’s schedule to go to our sweepstakes page, where you’ll find lots of different sweeps to enter – and hopefully to win!
Week 2: Go From Raffles 2 Riches!
Lightning may not strike twice, but PCH’s Raffle 2 Riches Event does! Last year’s maiden event was so successful that we’re bringing it back! From August 6th – August 12th, you guys will have a shot at 2 EVENT-EXCLUSIVE GIVEAWAYS: FIVE $1,000.00 PRIZES and ONE $10,000.00 GRAND PRIZE! The best part? MULTIPLE WINNERS ARE GUARANTEED! Be sure to watch out for email notifications to stay in the know!
Week 3: Two Awesome Events Begin!
Week three is a big one. On Monday, PCHSearch&Win’s Mystery Prize Mania Event begins. From 8/13 – 8/17 a secret Cash Prize amount will be revealed each day. You could win up to $25,000.00 – it’s anybody’s guess what the prize amount awarded will be! PLUS, the plot thickens with lots of intriguing instant-win prize opportunities! Then on Friday, PCHlotto’s Sunny Money Scratch Card Event launches! From August 17 – 23, Lotto will release five limited edition scratch cards, which offer you guys seven straight sizzlin’ days of instant-win action. Even hotter – one lucky Lotto player will take home a scorching $10,000.00 Cash Prize! Check your emails for notifications for both awesome events!
Week 4: Search and Win $1,000.00!
I want to note two things in week four. Thursday the 23rd is the last day of the PCHlotto Sunny Money Event. So, make sure you’re in to win the $10 Grand. Then on Friday, PCHSearch&Win has an exclusive 5X entries to Win $1,000.00. That’s definitely something to keep in mind. Head over to both PCHlotto and PCHSearch&Win and see if you can bank some big bucks!!
Week 5: Another PCH Pay Day Is Here!
Week five may take the cake. You’ll notice that Inside PCH isn’t airing on Monday the 27th. That’s because there is a special episode on Friday the 31st! That’s right … we end the week with a HUGE bang – PCH Pay Day! There’s a lot of money ready to be won on PCH Pay Day: $15,000.00 in PCH Pay Day Exclusive Prizes Will Be Awarded, five $1,000.00 Winners Are Guaranteed, one $10,000.00 Winner Is Guaranteed, and the $1,000.00 A Day for Life SuperPrize is ready to be awarded! Winners will be announced on a special Inside PCH on our Facebook fan page, so be sure to tune in. Again, keep an eye out for emails alerting you to all of these special events!
Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For August sure is action packed! Make sure you mark your calendar, jot things down on post-its, set reminders on your mobile phone, or do whatever you need to do to remind yourself of all these money-making opportunities. My advice? Enter them all. You never know, you could be marking August 2018 on your calendar as the month of your winning moment!
Best of luck!
Tina P.
Online Creative