It’s April, and there’s a lot going on in the world these days. Before I say anything about the month in sweeps, I just want to personally wish you and your families well – I hope everyone is safe and healthy. I know things are tough presently, but I hope I can spread a little happiness – PCH style. So, for just a few minutes, let’s distract ourselves with some super-cool cash-winning opportunities. Let’s turn our attention to Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes to enter for April.
$10,000.00 KEEP THE FAITH
A brand-new and exciting event is coming down the pike – and in the nick of time. It’s the $10,000.00 Keep the Faith event, and like the name implies, Big Money will be awarded! From 4/3 – 4/7, we’ll be encouraging our fans to head over to to play five new cash themed scratch cards – just for this event! Then, they will get an entry to win an incredible $10,000.00 Keep the Faith prize! But the excitement doesn’t stop there because a Winner Is Guaranteed and that means, on 4/10, this hefty cash prize will be awarded! Some fun scratch cards, a cool contest and one brand-new winning moment are heading in this direction, so keep the faith because YOU could become our next winner!
We have an awesome event in the works, and it’s going to drive Apptastic traffic to our PCH and PCH Slots apps! From 4/6 – 4/10, we’ll be encouraging our players to join the app celebration and get in to win an appcredible $50,000.00 CASH! Plus, fans will be entitled to bonus chances to win when they visit from their mobile device – not a bad idea since most of us are stuck at home! Our $50.000.00 Apptastic Event is going to be five fabulous days of fun and games, and we’ll be looking for a Big Money Winner. Will we find one? We’ll just have to wait and see, so stay tuned!
Once again, PCHSearch&Win is asking searchers to shoot for the stars! From 4/9 – 4/13, fans will have the opportunity to WIN THOUSANDS in another five-day Lights, Camera, Search&Win event! CASH PRIZES totaling $10,000.00 are Guaranteed to Be Awarded, so we’ll be encouraging players across all PCH platforms to shoot over to their favorite search engine and get in to win BIG BUCKS! Winning is definitely written in the stars for this event, so let’s all get ready for some dazzling 5-star winning moments!
Exciting news! PCH is once again teaming up with our friends at Coin Master to bring our players another fun and exciting giveaway – the $25,000 Winner Takes All Event! That’s why from 4/15 –4/19, we’ll be encouraging PCH fans to grab their mobile devices and go to to enter as much as they can. We want to make sure it’s very clear that a winner wouldn’t just take a little – A Winner Would Take All! With any luck, one of our players will be taking $25,000.00 home!
The big one. Want to win a Lifetime Prize? Of course, you do! Well, we’ll be looking for a winner of our latest SuperPrize on April 30th with our $7,000.00 A Week For Life Special Early Look Prize Event. That sure is a big number, right? Think about it. If you won, you’d receive weekly payments of $7,000.00 for your entire life! Just the thought of it is enough to give anyone goosebumps. Now, the entry deadline is 4/27 and the award date is 4/30, so there’s still time to enter if you haven’t already! As always, please – make sure you’re in to win! Even if there is no Matching Winning Number returned we’ll still award a Guaranteed $1 Million prize in a random second chance drawing among all eligible entries to make sure we make someone a millionaire!
From 4/28 – 5/3, you’ll have the opportunity to win the all-new 2020 Lincoln Corsair Reserve. Conquer the road in style in this sweet ride! Sophisticated and sleek, this compact luxury SUV offers all-wheel drive, 2.0L Turbocharged I-4 Engine, and Revel® Audio System with 14 speakers! Claim an entry with only 5,000 Tokens! Head to the PCHrewards Token Exchange to enter!
There you have it. That’s your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes for April. Now just a quick reminder that we have tons of sweeps going on all the time – not just the ones listed here – so make sure you go to our sweepstakes page ( There are lots of CASH and PRIZES up for grabs, so make sure you’re in to win. Also, keep checking your emails for more information. Lastly, be safe and stay healthy. See you next month!
Tina P.
Online Creative