The Mega Prize Is Gone But There’s Still More to Win!

Last Updated: March 6, 2015

The winner has been surprised, the champagne has been popped, and the Prize Patrol has driven away in the Prize Patrol van to let the new winner settle down with his new life. Congratulations to the Publishers Clearing House Mega Prize winner: Leroy Faulks, Sr of Orange, NJ.

PCH Mega Prize Winner

I hope that this HUGE prize will bring about many positive changes in Leroy’s life.

Maybe you didn’t win this Mega Prize, but don’t be too disappointed. I know the Mega Prize has been a part of your dreams for so long but that’s not the final or only Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes. Publishers Clearing House has so many winning opportunities!

Did you know? Over $275,000.00 in prizes have been awarded by PCHSearch&Win in 2011.

Did you know? The PCH Fan Page offers multiple mini-sweeps and fun games. For example, the PCH Fan Sweeps awards $1,000.00 to one lucky fan every month. You can double that to $2,000.00 if you’re a PCHsuperfan!

Did you know? Many major prize winners never ordered from PCH! All entries have the same chance of winning.

Did you know? There is over $22,000.00 in instant prizes up for grabs in the month of December alone on PCHSearch&Win!

Did you know? $100.00 will be awarded to someone with YOUR set of initials. For every unique two letter combination of the alphabet, $100.00 will be awarded! That means 676 $100.00 prizes from Giveaway No. 1403!

So, you see, the chances to win never stop with PCH. Although the Mega Prize has been awarded, keep in mind that you are not down for the count. I believe that this quote sums it all up:

When one door of happiness closes, another opens,
but often we look so long at the closed door
that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
– Helen Keller

Don’t dwell on the Mega Prize for too long. Wish the best for Leroy and then focus on the many other free chances to win with PCH. You never know if a PCH prize may be waiting for you tomorrow or the next day.

Laura At PCH