Seeing Double – PCHsuperfan Wins $20,000.00!

Last Updated: November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015 Update: This SuperFan promotion was a special promotion that was previously offered to consumers and is not currently being offered.  We constantly vary our promotions to bring new and updated excitement for our Facebook Fans, because they’re all Super! To get in on any new Facebook fan promotions, all you have to do is “Like” us on the PCH Facebook page at and watch for new offers!

In August 2011, Publishers Clearing House introduced the PCHsuperfan program. On the PCH Fan Page, fans can register for PCHsuperfan status. This one time registration gives fans eligibility to double any PCH prize they may win between $10,000.00 and $1,000,000.00.

As of late February, the number of PCHsuperfans has grown to over 200,000. And now, we’re proud to announce that one of these loyal fans has hit it big time! Wilbert Wallace, Jr of Orange, TX won the $10,000.00 Online Exclusive Prize from Giveaway No. 2220. And because he was a registered PCHsuperfan, he doubled his prize to $20,000.00!

Since this was such a special occurrence, the Prize Patrol knew that the prize delivery had to deviate from the norm. Danielle Lam and Dave Sayer didn’t bring one Big Check – instead they brought two! Two Big Checks for $10,000.00!

After awarding the SuperPrize to Jason Clark in Arkansas, Dave and Danielle boarded a flight and set out towards their next location. Danielle dropped clues on her Fan Page, keeping fans guessing. The long trip to Orange, TX was not made easier when they finally arrived at Wilbert’s home. He wasn’t there! What to do? Well, the Prize Patrol has faced this dilemma many times and almost always find their winner. This was no exception. Danielle and Dave were assisted by friends and neighbors of Wilbert. Calls were made and finally Wilbert was reached – “Come home, something’s up,” his friends teased, not giving away the surprise.

Wilbert’s winning moment took place in the middle of his street where Dave and Danielle presented not one, but TWO, Big Checks for $10,000.00 – doubling his prize to $20,000.00! What will Wilbert do with his money? As a father of two, he says he will give some of his prize to his children. Other than that, he has no real plans yet.

A few days after the prize delivery, Wilbert commented on the PCH Fan Page, sharing his thoughts on the experience. He said that prior to winning, PCH was just something to pass the time. But once Danielle and Dave showed up with the Big Check, he became a believer! Do you want to believe too? Register as a PCHsuperfan NOW and don’t miss out on your chance to double your prize.

Laura At PCH