How To Change Your Name & Address At Publishers Clearing House

Last Updated: December 1, 2014

Hello PCH Fans!

 How many of you have ever had to change your name or address in the past and felt the hassle of making sure all your accounts were up-to-date? (I had such a struggle with this when I moved into my apartment a few years ago!) Well, never fear loyal fans! I am here today to tell you that changing your name or address at Publishers Clearing House is SUPER easy!

 In the past few weeks, we’ve seen numerous questions from our fans asking us how they can update this information, so we figured what better way to spread the word than on our blog! And this is word we definitely want to spread – after all, we want to make sure all of you can continue to enjoy the winning opportunities here at PCH!

 So how do you change your name and address at Publishers Clearing House? Well, that depends if you’re talking about promotional emails or postal mailings. Let’s take a look at promotional emails first.

How to change your name & address for promotional emails:

To change your information online, please visit our website at To view the information we currently have on file, log in using the “Sign In” option at the top of the page, then click on “My Account”. Once you click on the link above, log in and use the “My Account” button to edit your information! Simply enter your changes in the appropriate fields and click on “Update” to save your changes.

Since our promotional emails are prepared in advance, please allow up to 10 days for your any changes to take effect.

How to change your name & address for postal mailings:

how to change your name and address at Publishers Clearing House

I’m happy to report that this is also very easy to do! To change your name or address for Publishers Clearing House correspondence (sent via the United States Postal Service or Canada Post), please provide us with both your old and new address information using our “Ask Us” form.

 Because our mailings are prepared in advance, please allow approximately 6-8 weeks for your new address to take effect.

 So PCH fans, we hope we have answered the question “How do I change my name and address information at Publishers Clearing House?” If you have any other questions, please let us know. It’s very important to us that we have the most current, up-to-date information for each and every one of you so you’ll never miss an opportunity to win!

 Victoria C.

PCH Creative