Meet Robb Gonzales, Our Newest SuperPrize Winner

Last Updated: September 3, 2015

SuperPrize Winner

August 31st found the PCH Prize Patrol in Lakewood, Colorado looking for Robert Gonzales.  The only trouble was: the address on his Million Dollar winning entry was an empty little house, all locked-up and being fixed-up for a new tenant.  Luckily an excited neighbor, Anita, knew where we could find her “old friend” Robb and phoned him to tell him to standby for a package delivery.

Ten minutes later we were at the change-of-address – which Robb had emailed to PCH just days before — “just in case.”  We found him working at home as he does — via computer — in the medical insurance field.  Take a look at the “winning moment” video below and you’ll see the wonderful surprise that left our newest Million Dollar SuperPrize winner almost speechless.


You can also read all about his winning moment in this story from the Denver post!

In a follow-up phone call with Robb the next day he told us that he would have liked to have said something a bit more intelligent “on camera.”  But he was absolutely stunned, light-headed, weak-kneed and at a loss for words.  He phoned his large family that lives nearby, and his mother cried for fifteen minutes.  They have watched the video on our PCH Fan Page on Facebook over and over again and marveled at Robb’s calmness; however, he says he was “anything but calm” after we left.  During the restless night that followed he got up to smell the roses – to prove he wasn’t dreaming.

PCH SuperPrize Winner

Robb shares his new apartment with Sophia, a cat (who went into hiding) and Emma, a Miniature American Eskimo Dog, who was a bit wary of guests arriving with roses, balloons, champagne, cameras and a Big Check.  Robb says the prize money will go to paying off bills and paying the extra rent which having pets so often incurs, and then “who knows what” after that.

Robb has memories of his grandmother entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes and knows she’d be proud of his persistence and his big win.  It was Robb’s “You never know” attitude that motivated him to enter our sweepstakes “all the time,” every chance he got.  He is grateful that PCH gives its fans so many opportunities to enter and win – at, PCHSearch&Win, PCHGames, PCHlotto and more!  He did ‘em all and would encourage YOU to do the same!  “Believe me, it’s real!” he says.

Robb Gonzales PCH Winner

Congratulations Robb, and welcome to our huge and ever-growing family of winners!  And to the rest of you, follow Robb’s advice: Enter every chance you get and you could become a winner too.

Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador