Which Surprise Item Do YOU Want The Prize Patrol To Bring on December 30th? Comment Now!

We are just SO excited to be hitting the road during the holiday season to award a very lucky PCH entrant with a $1 Million Big Check on December 30th! It’s always amazing to deliver a life-changing prize, but it feels even more like a present when we get to do it during the holiday season.
Of course, in addition to the Big Check, we’ll also be carrying a dozen red roses, a bottle of champagne and a colorful bundle of PCH balloons for our lucky winner. But this time, we wanted to also add in ANOTHER fun holiday surprise!
Yes, for this prize, we decided to throw in an extra item for the winner! BUT, we can’t decide on our own which item to bring – WE NEED YOUR HELP! We’re turning to you, our loyal fans and PCH Blog readers, to ask which item you want us to bring on our December 30th prize delivery.
Should the Prize Patrol bring:
- Candy Canes – For some tasty holiday cheer!
- Noise Makers – For celebrating winning AND the New Year!
- A Mystery Gift – What will be inside? It’s a secret!
COMMENT BELOW AND LET US KNOW, and we’ll bring whichever item gets the most comments by the end of today with us this Wednesday!

Happy Holidays everyone!
Dillon H.
Promotion Development