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How Long Have You Been “Playing” Publishers Clearing House?

Have you been working hard toward reaching a goal? Does it feel like it’s been taking a long time? We all have dreams and goals, but the only way we’ll see them through to the end is if we stick with them for as long as it takes. The important thing is that you never give up and always keep your eye on the prize!

This attitude really comes in handy when it comes to “playing” Publishers Clearing House (that is, entering our sweepstakes)!  I think back to recent winner Jane Bjork, who had been entering Publishers Clearing House since 1977. What’s funny is that even though Jane had been entering for years, there were times when she felt that she was never going to win. But she kept on entering, hoping that some day her luck would change. And it did!


What’s important is that we don’t get overwhelmed with the scope of the task and that we keep focused on the end prize. If all Jane Bjork thought about was how often she entered, she might have been tempted to give up! She says, “Just keep doing it and hope for the best! Just have faith that somewhere, some day…it’ll work out! That’s what I did!”

How long have you been playing Publishers Clearing House — for as long as Jane, or just for a little while? The winner selection at Publishers Clearing House is completely random, so everyone has an equal chance of winning, no matter how long they’ve been entering! Just look at recent winner Desiree Scudder! She’s young enough to want to build a video game room with her $1 Million prize!

So don’t forget, consistency is key! You want to make the most of every possible winning opportunity that PCH sends your way! The famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld is well known in self-motivation circles for what they call the “Seinfeld Method.” When he was just starting out, Jerry would get a calendar and put an “X” on every day that he wrote a good joke. His goal was to put an “X” on as many consecutive days as possible. He would start to see “chains” of X’s, and that would give him the motivation to make sure he kept the daily productivity streak going!

Are you able to keep your entry routine a daily one? Whether you’re able to enter each and every day or only when you get the chance, we want to know how long you’ve been entering for! Please make a point of going to the comment section below and telling us how long you’ve been playing Publishers Clearing House. And remember, you never know if your PCH luck will change!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S.  So tell us … how long have you been playing Publishers Clearing House? And how did you get started? Tell us in the comments below!

P.P.S. – Head on over to the Play&Win Blog to see the list of people who didn’t give up and won in our “Month of Winning” post!

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  1. I am so very happy for your win. I have been playing for abut 30 years…before we had computers, but it was under my maiden name. PCH records show I have been playing since 2009 but it has been much longer. I can’t do the questions or surveys because I get way to many spam calls. I really wish PCH would send me emails again so I can get the specials deals. Thanks

  2. I have been playing for 13 or 14 years with over a billion tokens that I hoped I could use to win a prize. I somehow wonder if I am wasting my time to be dreaming of ways to help myself and others. I do not tell people, because the one person I did tell, told me I was in a fantasy world. I do enjoy how you make people glad they did not stop dreaming !! Like working in nursing homes for 40 years, It is nice to see your beautiful and handsome faces while your staff go all over the States to make some unknown stranger’s wish come true. Thank you for you precious time to even read this!

  3. It will be nice if I could win it just one time. Some con artist calls me up and tells me that I have win to sweepstakes. And I have not won any thing.

    1. Hello Ceebra, We certainly take the issue of scams and the illegal use of our name by scammers very seriously; that’s why we regularly educate our fans on what they can do to protect themselves. Unfortunately, scammers aren’t always easy to locate since many of them operate out of country. You can do your part to help us by reporting all scam contacts that you receive. Here’s how to report scammers on Facebook: and all other scam contacts can be reported to PCH via this link: It’s important to remember that the real PCH will never send you a private message or friend request, and we’ll never ask for money to claim a prize. I encourage you to take a look at this blog article for some great tips on how you can stop scammers from contacting you on Facebook:

  4. I have been playing PCH over 30 years and have not one thing, I play just about every day, buy things, play quizzes, games and nothing, some day I hope to win ot big, so maybe my time will be soon.

  5. I’ve been playing PCH consistently since 1992. I would enter and purchase things off and on through the years since the 1980’s. But I just keep on and will continue each day. Thanks!

  6. Been with you so long!!!!Guess it was when my Mom died…The envelopes kept coming, so I decided (remembering her filling them out) I would just do it in her honor. Been about 25 + years. { I would buy more,but i hate the shipping charge| its kinda fun…like I can see me with that BIG truck I’m gonna win..Cant wait to hear the neighbors comments about that funny old..very old.. lady!

  7. 21000 and 19990 are so hard to win, just to get picked for the list is a blessing for so many people. Ultimate prize, peace of mind for life. That sounds like me after all this the dream, the plan.