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Charity! New House! Bills! Vacation! Spend the cash anyway you want!

How would YOU spend $5,000 A Week “Forever”: Retire Early? Payoff Debt? Donate to Charity?

Hello friends and fans!

We’re just 3 days away from awarding the life-changing $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize, and I just have to ask: Have you thought about how you would spend all that cash?

First, before we decide how to spend the money, let’s recap the extent of this legacy prize (Yes! It’s so big, you’ll need to dream bigger, so get ready!)

Imagine checks in the amount of $5,000 coming in week, after week, after week — it’s a bottomless payday for not one, but two generations! You see, not only would the winner get checks for life, but after that, someone the winner chooses (a child or grandchild?) would get checks for the rest of their life. Now, with that kind of money to spend, the possibilities are truly endless (as are the checks!). So, let’s look at some ways to spend that sweet, sweet money.

Take A Long, Luxurious Vacation

Yes! Relaxing is good, especially when it’s done in first-class! So, with all that money, treat yourself to a five-star resort vacation around the world with your loved ones! See all the famous landmarks of Europe — the Eiffel Tower, the Roman Coliseum, Big Ben — then come home and visit some of our national treasures like the exotic landscapes of Hawaii or the bright lights of New York City. And with the “Forever” prize, you’d have the budget to explore it all!

Of course, with weekly checks, you could retire early and extend your vacation permanently. Now, I don’t know about you, but that option seems pretty great to me!

Buy Your Dream Home

Home is where the heart is, so why not show a little love and upgrade your property? Find that perfect home that you’ve been dreaming about with the chef’s kitchen, home theater, pool, wrap-around porch (to watch the kiddies!), it can even be a vacation home! Think about all the new memories you’ll make with your family. Maybe even pass down to your kids or grandkids!

Speaking of passing down to the next generation, don’t forget the “Forever” prize would provide a future of financial security for a loved one, too. So, think about whom you would leave the weekly payments to.

Donate To Your Favorite Charity

It’s a great feeling to give back to the community and help others in need – especially causes that are dear to your own heart! If you are passionate about a certain charitable organization — maybe it’s your local church or alma mater or St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, Susan G. Komen®, ASPCA®, or another popular charity — show them you care with a donation.

Fun fact: Did you know PCH donates 40% of its profits to charity?

Payoff Your Bills And Live Debt-Free

*exhale* Ahhhhhhhhhhh! That’s the sound of relief. If you listen closely, it’s saying, “I just unburdened myself of student loans, car payments, mortgage payments, electric bills, etc.” … the list would go on and on, and the weight of loans and bills would keep going down and down until it was no more! Yes, paying down debt is one of the best feelings in the world!

Remember, the checks are for life, so the possibilities are endless. Be sure to keep an eye out for the PCH Prize Patrol — we just may be rolling into your town in 3 days to award $5,000 A Week “Forever”! Will you be ready?

Best of luck!

Marissa B.
PCH Creative

P.S. We would love to know what you would do with all that money. Comment below!

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$5,000 A Week “Forever” SuperPrize
Words from $1 Million SuperPrize Winner Annette Jenkins


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  1. I would definitely buy a ? for me my family and doggies, ?? pay off any debts I have, I would adopt another ? and donate to the adopt a dog charity, I would buy my oldest son daughter and brother a car,
    I would also get my mom’s residency faster for her so she can stay in the United States and be able to visit and travel to Mexico One day. ???
    I would also love to help out and donate money and stuff to to all those people at the border that have nothing and are just waiting around to come to the United States with their children. ?
    I would get my youngest son a motor ? he wanted and also a nice big doggie house for my doggies and lots of food and treats because just found out and noticed that my youngest doggie is having babies ?????? maybe 3 or 4 she’s having. ? ??
    So I’ll be having my hands full soon again. ?
    Just praying that everything goes good and that I get blessed with my dream come true.??? I can feel it really in my ❤ that I’m soo close..?
    So for now love playing and entering the PCH apps hoping and praying that I make it to the end so I can show everyone in the ? that PCH is true and sooo Real..??
    Thanks again PCH can’t wait to meet all you guys! ???
    HAPPY!! ?? NEW!!YEAR!! ?? “2023” ??