Does the PCH Prize Patrol Send Friend Requests on Facebook?

Last Updated: July 5, 2017

Pop quiz: Does the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol send friend requests on Facebook?

The answer is: ABSOLUTELY NOT! Members of the famous PCH Prize Patrol – Dave Sayer, Danielle Lam , Todd Sloane, and our latest Prize Patrol member Howie Guja – never send friend requests on Facebook. And neither do any other executives, employees or representatives of Publishers Clearing House, for that matter!

 Did you receive a friend request from the PCH Prize Patrol on Facebook? DO NOT ACCEPT IT!

If you receive a friend request from someone claiming to be a member of the Prize Patrol or a PCH employee, STOP! DO NOT accept the friend request! THIS IS A SCAM!

PCH does not send friend requests  to anyone, for any reason!

Take a look at this helpful video  on how to actively prevent friend requests from PCH scammers.

We cannot emphasize this enough: PCH employees NEVER send friend requests on social media, so if you see any, do NOT accept them. And do NOT engage in Twitter or Instagram conversations with people pretending to be from PCH. We NEVER contact you this way!

At PCH the Winning Is Always FREE!

There are more to PCH scams than just friend requests on social media. A really easy way to spot a PCH scam is if you are asked to pay or wire money to claim a prize. Remember, at Publishers Clearing House the winning is ALWAYS FREE and there are NEVER any fees to claiming a prize – EVER!

PCH Does Not Use Social Media to Contact Winners in Advance!

Another important scam prevention tip: please remember that PCH NEVER uses social media to contact winners in advance. If someone contacts you in any way to advise that they are coming to award a prize, they are NOT from the real Publishers Clearing House! PCH would NEVER notify a winner in advance – that would spoil the surprise of the winning moment!

I hope these tips are helpful because we truly love our fans and we want you to stay safe. If you believe you’ve been contacted by a scammer, please fill out our Scam Incident Report right away!

After all, we want you to enter for free, have fun, enjoy the PCH experience, and maybe … who knows? … maybe even become a big winner someday soon!

Stay safe!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative


P.S. I’d be so happy to know that fans and friends like you have taken away something from this morning’s blog. Please comment below with at least one important fact you’ve learned here. Also, feel free to share this blog with your Facebook friends so they, too, will stay safe from scammers. Thanks!