It’s Always Too Early To Quit

As most of you probably know, today we awarded the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize to a lucky winner. You may have caught some of the buzz and excitement on our PCH Fan Page on Facebook. Yes, today we definitely made someone’s life drastically better because they were in it to win it! And the beneficiary they choose will have their life changed for the better, too, with $5,000.00 weekly paychecks for their lifetime. Wow, what an incredible prize and an incredible legacy for a loved one!
Today, especially, I want to remind you that plenty of our lucky winners in the past have told us that they kept at it, even when they thought they would never win. So, if the Prize Patrol didn’t come knocking on your door today, the best thing for you to do is to think positive, keep the faith, and stay in it to win it. As Norman Vincent Peale once said, “It’s Always Too Early To Quit”. You should always expect the best possible outcome and keep entering, because you never know which entry will be the winning one. Besides, the future is looking very bright with even more big prize opportunities on the horizon!
Never Stop Hoping For A Better Tomorrow
Are you an optimist, or are you a pessimist? Do you see the halfway filled glass of water as half full or half empty? If you want to be in it to win it, and stay in it to win it, you’ve got to stay focused on the positive, keep the faith, and take advantage of the opportunities as they come your way. Your optimism can pay off big time! We’re looking forward to making more winners than ever in 2018! We have loads of contests and sweepstakes you can go for, and we give away prizes all day long, every day, on all of our properties.
Another BIG PRIZE EVENT Is Just Around The Corner
Did you know that to date we’ve awarded over $366 Million in prizes? And that number keeps growing! Our next event is another exciting lifetime prize you don’t want to miss out on! We’re calling it the “Set For Life” prize and it pays out $7,000.00 A Week For Life! If the matching winning number for this Special Early Look Prize Event is not timely returned or is ineligible, a second chance random drawing will be held among timely eligible entrants to award a base prize of $1 Million instead. So be sure to get your entries in to go for this amazing prize scheduled for award on April 27th!
And that’s just the next big SuperPrize. In the meantime, you can go to to check out some of our other winning opportunities. Why not keep the faith, maximize your entries, and keep yourself open to a whole new world of possibilities? You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Best of luck,
Jane M.
PCH Creative