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Your Comments Are So Important To Us!

My dear readers, do you know where we get most of the inspiration for writing our PCH Blogs? From YOU, and the amazing things you write in the “Comments” section at the bottom of each blog. What you have to say about Publishers Clearing House is SO important to us.

We read, discuss and value everything you write.

Every week, fellow writer Debbie K. reads through each and every reader comment and jots down your observations, questions, stories, dreams and concerns to share with the rest of us on the blog team.  And you know what? It’s almost always what YOU have to say that inspires what we “blog” about next.

For instance, at this morning’s meeting, Debbie read one reader’s compliment about the exciting design of one of our fun, free-to-play PCH Games. That led us to think about using a blog for an interview with one of PCH’s talented game designers, who might pass along tips for piling up tokens and going after all those instant FREE prizes.

And recently, a reader told us about a wonderful dream she’d had about our Prize Patrol and winning a big PCH prize. That gave us the idea for another blog we’ll be posting in a week or so.

Your comments are our lifeline to what really concerns and pleases you. When a reader shares that, “only this or that kind of person wins,” we’ll write a blog proving that it just ain’t so.  Or when you share your ideas about what you would do with the money if you won a big PCH prize, it helps us to write blogs that will inspire you to enter to make those dreams come true.

Will we turn YOUR next Reader Comment into a Blog?

Could be! When it comes to finding brilliant ideas for what to write about Publishers Clearing House, our Sweepstakes, contests and winners, YOU and your invaluable Comments are where we look first.  Next Monday, we’ll be sitting around the table in Conference Room 101 as usual, listening to Debbie K.’s report on what you, our valued readers, have had to say for the week. Which comment will spark an idea for PCH Blog … yours?

(And on another very important matterDID YOU ENTER TODAY? We’ve got a lot of FREE PCH prizes up for grabs all the time, at PCHlotto, PCHkeno, PCHblackjack, PCHSearch&Win, PCHfrontpage and, so get in the game and you could become a newly-minted PCH Winner!

Be sure to keep in touch …

Your PCH fan,


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  1. This is Joseph/18.5 billion tokens/14 years loyalty/well my 26 year old Subaru Impreza 1997 is retired/
    Had to finance a Nissan kick 2020. Because I haven’t won any pch cars, I play religiously every day.

  2. Its Joseph/14 years loyalty/18 billion tokens/
    Look pch/I try so hard at this trying to win and follow the rules/but I hate when you put adds that don’t allow me to finish the game because the add wants me to buy something/the add wont allow me to finish the game [not in the app]but online/I have no problem with the app/but some of the online games I’ve been playing for years/I’m starting to get really frustrated/you keep saying [if you don’t play you don’t win]well I play and play and play and play and I’m not winning/

    1. Hey Joseph, Thank you for contacting PCH. We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing technical difficulties on our website. Please reach out to our Digital Assistant where representatives are ready to assist with your concern. Please click the link here: for assistance. We look forward to hearing from you.

  3. I have been playing PCH games and entering to win cars, trucks and other fine prizes for a long while. But, there is a major concern for me personally and others who fall into the elderly category. They send emails saying answer some questions and earn tokens. But, when I go onto these questions and as I state that I am in the retired status, and my age is 85 all of a sudden I am disqualified for this entry. So is everything in this PCH site a scam like this for the elderly? I guess if I lied and put down my age as 35, I could go on and win tokens (which by the way are worthless in dollar value). Beings I am not qualified for these question and answer sessions, perhaps I am disqualified for prizes also? Good question for PCH and the BBB.

    1. Hello Kelly, Thank you for contacting PCH. We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing technical difficulties on our website. Please reach out to our Digital Assistant where representatives are ready to assist with your concern. Please click the link here: for assistance. We look forward to hearing from you.

  4. I Thomas yanc have a question and a comment about the prize patrol is it a scam because when someone supposedly has won why don’t the news report on it and I put in my paper to register for the prize and never hear anything else about it I send it in every time like clock work and register my name putting in my code to enter and at the end of entering it it says entry was added and don’t hear nothing from PCH until I receive another entry form saying the same thing like the ones before you are in running to win between 5,000 up to 25,000 dollars and after the entry is successfully completed nothing so is it a scam or what?????

  5. Happy to recently win $5.00! Maybe it wasn’t the $5.00, but the idea that I actually won something while playing FREE PCH games. (Won other prizes in years past from PCH: $10 cash, $50 cash, and a $20 gift card). I have been entering PCH sweepstakes before PCH even had a website on the computer. I have been entering over 30 years! I will continue to do so.

  6. Happy to recently win $5.00! Maybe it wasn’t the $5.00, but the idea that I actually won something while playing FREE PCH games! Thank you, PCH! (A couple of years back, I won $10 cash, then $50 cash, and a $20 gift card)! Winning something is always better than winning nothing! Thanks again!

  7. Its Joseph/18.5 billion tokens/14 years loyalty/another year gone and no substantial win/we’ll try for next year 2024

  8. Joseph /17 billion tokens/14 years loyalty/if its all about the winning [like you say] then how come I haven’t won anything substantial/
    1 time I won 5 dollars. [wow big win
    Bought a hamburger]