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Do You Have Dreams About PCH?

Hello, my blog-reading chums!

It’s been said that our most fabulous dreams, like winning a huge prize from the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, are reflections of our lives — and, who knows, maybe even peeks into the future!

Know how we got the idea to ask you whether you dream about winning at PCH?

From a brilliant PCH reader like YOU, of course, who posted her “winning at PCH” Comment in one of our recent Blogs.  Kimberly H. wrote:

I keep having dreams where the Prize Patrol knocks on my door. Hopefully that dream will become a reality soon. Thank you in advance for changing someone’s life in such an awesome way! I can’t wait to see the winning reaction! As always, good luck everyone!

Wow, talk about keeping the faith and daring to dream! Kimberly even does it in her sleep!

How about you? Have you ever dreamt of hearing a knock … and opening the door to smiling, familiar-looking visitors in navy blue blazers who hold balloons, champagne, red roses and a PCH Big Check?

Or is your dream about winning at PCH different? We’d love to hear about it!

If you’ve ever had a “Prize Patrol dream,” what happens in it?

Does Danielle start twirling a baton and quoting Shakespeare? Or maybe Todd is wearing a top hat, tails and is dancing the Charleston. Write about your dream in our Comments section below!

Dreams of getting a visit from the Prize Patrol mean one thing for sure: YOU WANT TO WIN.  That’s awesome, because the P.P. gang plans on delivering a huge $7,000 A Week For Life Prize  in our Special Early Look prize event on April 27th. (And even if the winning number isn’t delivered in time, they’ll STILL deliver a Big Check for $1,000,000 guaranteed.)

Looking forward to hearing from you. And, as if I need to remind you, any dreams of winning at PCH can only come true for someone if they enter, Enter, ENTER.  I hope that someone will be you!

All the best,

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  1. For a 34 year dream of winning the super prize, passed right by me. My vision of happy gone, sad 21000 or 19990 super prize every day, remember.

  2. My dad taught me how to dream big as a child, and I’m trying to instill that same trait to my children. I want them to dream and dream big and to never give up. Because of sudden recent deaths in the loss of my mom and two brothers, my dream had faded. But thanks to PCH my dream is alive again, with my kids and now my husband on board. We pray over all out outgoing mail and on-line endeavors. I have faith but praying to have the faith like my children, ages 5 & 14 have. They definitely pray believing. Thank you PCH for helping my family to dream and dream big AGAIN!

  3. Hi, I was wondering if I’m even do anything right. I’m dyslexic and I really don’t understand the things I read. It really sucks when I ask for any help. No one really cares. They be only think of them self. I’ve been trying to keep dreaming big and one day my dream going come of been a life prize winner!

    1. Hello Dustin, Thank you for contacting PCH. In order for us to assist you with your question we will need a bit more information. We kindly ask that you contact us at your convenience. Our customer service representatives may be reached at We look forward to hearing from you.

  4. I keep dreaming of a camera crew and PCH at my house news people and everybody getting ready. Danielle is directing what to do. Everyone is talking in the street so busy. I ? my prayers and dreams do come true in this way. I’m so thankful and grateful for PCH changing my life in ways I couldn’t even imagine or dream. You guys really have been a blessing to me. I want to say Thank You for so much inspiration and pushing me forward when I felt like giving up. I’m so glad I didn’t. Thank You guts all of you at PCH. I’ve learned so much about myself and others just playing the games. I love you guys and I love my PCH !❤??