Did You Know: PCH Donates to Charity!

PCH is famous for giving away millions in prizes! In 2018 alone, we’ve already awarded over $24,000,000.00…and there’s a lot more to be won! But aside from all the money that Publishers Clearing House awards, did you know that over 40% of the company’s profits benefit charities, too?
Yes, you read that number right! I learned the amount that PCH donates to charity in my very first interview with the company. Giving back is such an important part of who I am, so it’s wonderful to work for a company that values it as much as I do.
What Started PCH’s Charitable Giving?
It all started with the generosity of our founders who are now deceased. In their wills they arranged for over 40% of our annual profits to go to the benefit of supporting funds they established, such as the LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Trust and the Mertz Gilmore Foundation. These funds provide grants and funding for cultural and educational institutions as well as human rights, environmental and civic programs.
Through the LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Trust, PCH helps support organizations like the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the New York Botanical Garden (home to the LuEsther T. Mertz Library) and The Audubon Society.
The company also gives directly to other charities, perhaps most famously St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® with our social media charity event called The Giveback.
PCH Donates to Charity – Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars have been given away through the PCH Giveback Campaign alone!
Every year since 2011, PCH has hosted the Giveback Campaign, where, with the help of fans like you sharing our posts on social media, we spread awareness and raise support for truly amazing causes! Over the past few years, we’ve donated $750,000.00 to support St. Jude in its fight to put an end to childhood cancer.
And on top of that, we’ve also raised an additional $100,000.00 to other worthy causes, like the ethical treatment of animals and taking care of our veterans!
PCH’ers Are Super Charitable, Too!
It’s clear PCH donates to charity, but it’s not just the company that gives back! Just wait until you hear about what employees do to make the world a better place. Here’s just a snapshot of some of the good they did last year…
- Gave 136 pints of blood to the NY Blood Center
- Volunteered at the North Shore Animal League’s Pet Adopt-a-Thon
- Wrapped 1,500 toys for the holiday season with Rock and Wrap It Up
- Provided essential supplies like bedding and towels to young mothers with their children in shelters with MOMMAS House
PLUS MORE! I myself am a member at Lincoln Center, along with other PCH employees like Nicole M. and the famous “Spin Doctor” Erica Z., and our group raised over $500,000.00 for arts education this year — and got to look good doing it at the Lincoln Center Young Patrons Gala!
So you see, even though Publishers Clearing House is all about winning, we also really care about giving. We’re a company that likes to create good in the world — and I have a hunch that you do, too! We see fans like you comment all the time about where they would give back if they won one of our prizes. Not only is PCH a generous company, it’s got such generous fans!
Let us know where you’d give back if you became a big winner in the comments below!
Will F.
PCH Creative