How Would You Spend $1,000.00 In One Day?

Last Updated: July 30, 2018

PCH is looking for a BIG winner of $1,000.00 A Day For Life on August 31st, and you should be entering every way you can to get in to win.

Our amazing fans give A LOT of thought to what winning would be like, but in all of that excitement, I wonder if the actual realities of what would happen after you won gets lost on us. You see, with $1,000.00 A Day For Life, every facet of your life would change.

Now picture it: you’ve won the prize. You have enough money as you could ever possibly need saved up. But another day dawns, with another thousand dollars coming in for you to spend. What are you doing to spend it?

Of course, I can’t win, but I know just how I’d spend my day and my thousand dollars. I would start in my brand-new apartment in SoHo. After sleeping in, I wake up and grab brunch at the nearby Balthazar’s: steak tartare, sweet pea agnolotti, perhaps a mimosa or two. With a generous tip, that’s my first $125.00 of the day. Is this anything like how your day is starting?

After that, I’d probably exercise. With my new lifestyle, I’m a member of Equinox, so I take an hour-long class, and then treat myself to an $8 salad and an express facial at their spa for another $75 — we’re up to a total of $208.00 and it’s barely afternoon!

For the rest of the afternoon, I’d probably relax at home, but at night, I’d definitely go to dinner and a show. What will I see tonight? Hamilton, again? No, I’m feeling the Metropolitan Opera. How about Mozart’s Don Giovanni? The best seats at the opera are about $450.00, and as I’ve got no finances to worry about, I can give myself the best (total $658.00).

Beforehand, I grab dinner at the nearby Bar Boloud. I love their Coq au Vin, and since I worked out before, I can treat myself to dessert. I’m still stuffed from brunch, so no appetizer, and obviously only one drink before a show — we’re at $725.00 now!

My day isn’t for everyone (and even I’ve got to admit, my tastes are ridiculous). But even with my over-the-top tastes, I ended the day with money left over! And there’s more money coming every day!

That’s the best thing about winning $1,000.00 A Day For Life — you’ll find yourself with so much money, you won’t know what to do with it!

What would your $1,000.00 A Day For Life spending sprees be like? Do you think you can spend the full $1,000.00? Tell us about it in the comments below!


Will F.
PCH Creative