25 Reasons to Enter to Win $2,500.00 A Week “Forever”!

We’re getting close to Prize Day, my friends, so it’s time to start really thinking about it. Someone is absolutely going win $2,500 A Week “Forever” on October 26th —$2,500 paid every week for the winner’s lifetime, with those payments after that for the lifetime of someone the winner names. That’s only two weeks away! So let’s have some fun … and see what YOU think of our “25 Reasons to Enter and Win “Forever” …
1. You could wave all your bills “goodbye”!
Put ‘em through the shredder, make paper dolls out of them, use them to line the cat’s litter box — as a $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” winner, you can enjoy being DEBT-FREE at last!
2. Really help your loved ones.
As a $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” winner, you’d have the cash to really help out, like buying a new car for your wife, paying Dad’s medical bills, or helping with your grandchildren’s tuition.
3. Remodel the house from top to bottom, or buy a new one!
Put in a gourmet kitchen … a spa-luxurious bathroom … an in-ground swimming pool out back. Or, head on down to the realtor and see what’s on the market!
4. Trade in your old “wheels” for the shiniest car on the lot!
Whether it’s a sedan, sports car or SUV, the car of your dreams would await if our Prize Patrol brings you $2,500.00 A Week “Forever.”
5. Say, “I quit!”
A year of $2,500 weekly prize payments translates to a $130,000 annual “salary.” With that kind of money rolling in every year for life, our October 26th winner could afford to pack in the daily 9-5 grind.
6. Start planning your “dream vacation.”
A First Class European tour … a luxurious cruise .. a sun-drenched island retreat … you could enjoy it all as a $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” winner.
7. Give generously to your favorite causes.
Maybe you’d like to start a scholarship fund for your old school … help with financing the church’s good works … or send money to reputable charities you admire. As our October 26 winner, you could make it ALL happen.
8. Enjoy favorite pastimes as never before!
Our $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” winner would have lots of cash to buy new golf clubs, gourmet cookware or put in a home gym or swimming pool — no skimping on anything!
9. Begin a NEW pastime.
Our October 26th winner could explore exciting NEW hobbies, like collecting jewelry, sports cars or $500 bottles of Champagne!
10. Be the one to “pick up the tab.”
If you won $2,500.00 A Week “Forever,” you could treat your family and friends to nights on the town, fun vacations — you name it. (Because what good is it to have lots of money if you don’t spread it around a bit?)
11. Stop looking a price tags.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to go into your favorite stores and buy exactly what you’d like, with NO worries about, “Can we really afford it?”
12. Return favors.
Have you had the good luck to know people who have really helped out in a pinch? As our big October 26 winner, wouldn’t it feel wonderful to pay them back — or “pay it forward” as the case may be?
13. Leave a legacy.
Don’t forget: if you win $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” in two weeks, you would be free of money worries for a lifetime … and, after that, you’d leave a legacy of financial security for someone you really care about.
14. Throw the biggest party EVER.
Have the whole gang … the whole neighborhood … over for a celebratory bash they’d never forget! And why not, if you won $2,500.00 A Week “Forever.” (link to pch.com)
15. Always sit in the best seats.
Whether it’s sitting front row center at the ballgame … a favorite band’s concert … the ballet or opera … our “Forever” Prize winner could afford the absolute best seats in the house!
16. Never take the bus again.
No more huddling in the rain at the bus stop (like I do) for our October 26th “Forever” Prize winner! He or she will be driving a luxurious new car – or calling a First Class limousine – to go anywhere they please!
17. Say “Yes” where you used to say “No.”
How about taking the whole gang to “the Magical Kingdom”? YES! Do you really NEED that leather jacket? YES! You get the picture … winning a lifetime of weekly $2,500 checks would change a LOT of negative into POSITIVES.
18. You’ve always wanted to meet the Prize Patrol!
Imagine seeing Danielle, Todd, Howie and Dave standing on your front step, holding the “Big Check” with your name on it? Enter now and you could make it happen, Cap’n!
19. You could be a TV Star of a “winning moment”!
Of course you’ve see all those Publishers Clearing House TV commercials, with wonderful people like YOU in the “starring role.” You’d look like a million bucks (or $2,500 A Week “Forever,” so go ahead — enter now!
20. You could say “So there!” to someone who used to tease you about entering.
You know the person I mean … who says, “nobody ever really wins,” or “you’re wasting your time.” If you win, it would be the ultimate “I told you so!”
21. You have reasons for winning I’d never dream of!
Every one of our Publishers Clearing House winners has been absolutely unique, with a wonderful story about what motivated them to keep entering to win. What story would YOU be able to tell us on October 26th?
22. You’d motivate everyone to keep the faith and believe in winning.
PCH’s very best “advertising” are all the real-life people who have won our Sweepstakes — over $395,000,000 in prizes to date. If you become our big winner, you’d be living proof that persistence pays off, motivating future winners to keep the faith and keep on entering.
23. You’d have big plans for your “Big Check.”
If the Prize Patrol came to your door with a big $2,500 A Week “Forever” check, would you display it in your front window … have it framed, laminated and displayed like a fine work of art? It certainly would be your ultimate “prize” possession — so enter now, and it could soon be yours!
24. It could be that “your time has come.”
You work hard, go above and beyond for the people you love, make sacrifices every day, scrimp and save to make ends meet. Enter to win a tremendous $2,500 A Week “Forever” prize, and if you win, the tables would turn, making all those money worries go away.
25. NOBODY deserves to win more than YOU do.
It’s true! So, do everything you can do to make it happen, entering today and every day right up to the “cut-off” for entering. It only takes a minute — 60 seconds that could pay off in a life-changing fortune.
So what do you think of our 25 Reasons to Enter to Win $2,500 A Week “Forever”?
Did we “hit it” for you? Or did we totally miss the barn? As I said, Publishers Clearing House winners are as unique as their thumbprints … and I’m sure that you are too. So, the logical question is …
What are YOUR reasons for entering to win?
Please … share your reasons for staying motivated to enter in the “Comments” section below. And most important of all, ENTER TO WIN NOW.
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