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What Would Winning $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Mean To You?

As we get closer to the exciting award date for our $5,000.00 A Week Forever Prize on February 28th, we wanted to put something out to all of you dreamers out there. We just HAVE to know what kind of impact that HUGE amount of money would have on your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Because we all have different dreams, needs, wishes and wants and we all have different priorities as to what we would do firstwith the money, and which things can come later.  So I want you all to put on your thinking caps and imagine yourself as the lucky recipient of $5,000.00 WEEKLY checks. Just think about what you would do with it. Think about how it would change your life. There are no restrictions here folks!

If you want to think longer term, those weekly checks amount to a whopping $260,000.00 a year to play with! We all have different things going on in our lives, so that kind of money means something else to everybody, depending on what our most pressing needs are at the moment.

What Would It Mean To You?

Would it mean never having to rob from Peter to pay Paul at the end of the month?  Would you be able to actually set money aside for once and to create a nice cushion for yourself and your family? What would it mean to you, personally if you could suddenly buy the house of your dreams ? How would it change your life – and your lifestyle? Would you be able to finally help out a parent or a loved one by adding a special addition to the house that they could call their own – courtesy of your newfound wealth? Or even buying them a house of their own, like Forever Prize winner John Wiley did?

This Is A Life-Changing Prize!

This kind of money is a total game changer. You could be treating yourself to a real lifestyle upgrade! That includes a new house, a new car, a new life of leisure if you want to quit your job!  Could you then spend more time fishing, playing golf, gardening, traveling? Think about the possibilities if you could change your life!

Leave A Legacy!

But it’s not all about you. With the Forever Prize, you get to leave a legacy of financial security to a loved one of your choosing! That means the beneficiary you choose would enjoy the rewards of receiving $5,000.00 weekly checks for the rest of their life, too! Think about what that would mean for you personally. Future planning for your loved ones becomes a lot easier when you know there’s a guaranteed supply of weekly cash coming in. What a relief that could be for you and your family!

Get Out From Under Debt!

Let’s face it. We all want to live debt-free and we’re always dreaming of ways to do it.  The bottom line is, with this kind of money you would be able to live life on your own terms! Wipe that debt out clean, pay those bills IN FULL the moment they come due … breathe a sigh of relief and then get on with living your new life! Think about which bills YOU would pay off first, or how living debt-free would change your life for the better.

The other bottom line is – you’ve got to enter for a chance to win! Do it every day and in every way you can! Please, let us know in the comments below – what would it mean to you if you won $5,000.00 A Week Forever? We’d love to hear from you!

Jane M.
PCH Creative

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  1. I’m winner of $5,000.00 a week for ever in my life YESSSSS♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️ Infinity ??????????????????♾️??????????????♾️?♾️?????????????⚜️⚜️??⚜️???????????????????