PCH Big Check Asks: Do You Want To Hug Me “Forever”?

Hey Blog Readers,
It’s me, Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check and with our next big award coming up, I can’t stop thinking about all our “Forever” prize winners and how, in LESS THAN A MONTH FROM NOW, I’m going to be hugging our next $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize Winner for the very first time!
I don’t know if you can tell, but my border is just unraveling with excitement as we get closer and closer to our February 28th Prize Award. I keep thinking about all our past “Forever” winners and how they gave me THE BEST HUGS! It was really like they were hugging me “Forever” because not only did they squeeze me so lovingly around my corners that my ink was smearing with joy but with the “Forever” prize I know I’m getting a “Forever” hug because they’ll be passing me down to someone they love who will want to hug me, too!
Just take a look at all these Super Huggers — Our 7 “Forever” Prize Winners! Would you be able to hug me as good as they do if you win on February 28th?
John Wyllie was my first “Forever” hug – and gosh, he was excited! I can still feel my seal shaking just thinking about his $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER” Prize Award!
Ooh and there I am with Michael Miller! He held me so tight I thought my payline popped off!
Tamar Howard really gave the greatest “Forever” hug because she passed me around to hug her daughters, too! It felt so good to get so much love!
Ryan Hart was so happy to see me, he hugged me at least 50 times before they took this photo! He’s definitely a Super Hugger!
Ora Gayton was so gentle and kind – she’s one of my favorite “Forever” Prize Super Huggers for sure! She held me in her arms and rocked me back and forth… I felt so comfortable with her that my zeros almost closed!
Joann Snyder was such a sweetie! I can still feel her “Forever” hug and I remember trying so hard to be professional – I really was – but just I couldn’t help it – my signature line curled up into a big smile the minute I saw her! It’s embarrassing to admit, but they had to crop it out of a few pictures (like this one) just so you can’t see it!
Oh, and Douglas Butcher – he was our first ever $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” Winner and he hugged me so tight I could tell we were going to be friends “Forever”!
Yes, I love all of our “Forever” Prize Winners and I can’t
wait to hug our next one who’s going to get $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER”! This is THE PRIZE that pays out as $5,000.00
A Week For Life for the winner plus, after that, $5,000.00 A Week for the life
of a loved one! It’s such a BIG PRIZE
for me to carry and I can’t wait to see who wins it! So,
tell me, blog readers, are you the Super Hugger I’ve been dreaming about? Would you squish my zeros with joy? Would you rock me in your arms and hold me
Do You Want To Hug Me “Forever”?
Comment below and let me know if you’re a Super Hugger – and remember to keep entering as often as you can if you want to become our next “Forever” Prize Winner!
Big Hugs & Bye For Now!
Your Pal,
Lucky Windfall
The PCH Big Check