So Many Prizes! Which Do YOU Want To Win?

Our Prize Patrol is constantly on the road, surprising winners from coast to coast. They’re making a particularly spectacular “delivery” in weeks: our guaranteed $5,000.00 A Week For Life “Forever” Prize. Someone will definitely win weekly checks for $5,000.00 for the rest of their life and after that those $5,000.00 weekly checks will continue for someone of their choosing for the rest of their life! That’s a HUGE prize that comes with an incredible legacy for a loved one! But I want you to be aware of all the OTHER great, Free PCH Prizes that are up for grabs, all the time.
You can always visit our Winners’ Page, where you’ll find a complete list of all our recent winners!
There are so many ways to go for SO many PCH Prizes! For instance, log on to PCHSearch&Win to search for all the things — weather, sports scores, recipes, the news, etc. —you would usually search for using the other search engines.
But when you look up things with PCHSearch&Win , you’re entered to win amazing PCH prizes — like Joe Beane, who won $1,000,000 and Douglas O’Shea who won $100,000!
Come pick your numbers at PCH Lotto — and go for a Multi-Million Dollar Power Prize!
Pick your own numbers at PCHlotto or do a “Quick Pick.” If you match the winning numbers, you win a huge Jackpot that just gets bigger every day! And there are lots of other prizes to go for … check out some of our recent PCHlotto Winners!
Pay a visit at PCHkeno — where there’s a Live Drawing EVERY 20 Minutes!
Come to PCHkeno and get in on Live Drawings around the clock. You could score instant cash — or collect up to One Million PCH Rewards Tokens — to take to our PCHRewards Token Exchange, where there are boatloads of prizes for the winning!
Try your luck at PCHslots — and play in the Tournament that could make you a winner TONIGHT!
At PCHslots, there’s a winner every day. At this online PCH “casino,” you could win $100 cash … or even $10,000 instantly — and maybe even $2,000,000!
Have a blast playing our INSTANT WIN games — that could pay off BIG TIME!
Our Instant Win Games are fun, FREE and fast-paced … and they could put $1,000 cash in your pocket, instantly. You’ll also rack up PCH Game Tokens — to take to our PCH Rewards Token Exchange to trade in for chances to win great “loot” — everything from cash to gift cards to name brand merchandise. Check out all the Token Exchange Prizes we gave out in one month alone!
Try your luck at winning all KINDS of prizes at PCH where entering is always FREE!
Like to win $1,250,000 for a Dream Home … $35,000 for a Kitchen Makeover … or a Million Dollars for anything you please? You’ve come to the right place. Take another look at our Winners Page to see all the huge PCH PRIZES people are winning all the time, from Sandy, Utah and Houston, Texas to Aitkin, Minnesota and Vero Beach, Florida!
And don’t forget all the BIG prizes at, PCHfrontpage, PCHgames, and PCHrewards.
I hope I’ve given you an idea of how many prizes there are for you to go for at Publishers Clearing House. The only question is: WHICH DO YOU WANT TO WIN?
So please … don’t miss a single winning opportunity. Enter today, tomorrow and every day — every way – at!
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