Are You Ready for PCH Pay Day?

All-New Winning Opportunities Are Coming Your Way on April 26!
It may not be an official holiday yet, but PCH Pay Day gives fans lots of reasons to celebrate. In fact, PCH Pay Day has become so well-liked since being introduced last year that PCH is holding another Pay Day event on April 26, 2019! And the time to enter is now!
A popular cliché suggests, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” In general, it means if something is doing just fine, then leave it alone. However, there’s another phrase that I prefer, and it goes, “If it ain’t broke, break it.” This means that even when something is working well, it still can be better – so don’t rest on your laurels, and keep striving for the best. And that’s what PCH is doing with the upcoming PCH Pay Day!
Not only will this PCH Pay Day see the awarding of a millionaire-making SuperPrize to one lucky winner, but it also will provide another 35,000+ winners with a PCH reward. Plus, there are special prizes – exclusive to PCH Pay Day – that also will be awarded, including a “big check” for $10,000 and 10 additional $1,000 prizes. And if you’re not doing so already, then you should be entering every day for a chance to win your share of the PCH Pay Day proceeds!
Inside PCH “Pay Day” Special
Few things go better with an all-new PCH Pay Day than a brand new PCH Pay Day special episode of “Inside PCH.” The Prize Patrol will be coming to you from the road this April 26 as they award both the PCH Pay Day $10,000 prize award and the millionaire-making SuperPrize. (Yes, there’s still time to enter both!!!) As always, the PCH Pay Day special will be broadcast on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook, so be sure to tune in and watch the winning!
It’s T minus 10 days and counting until PCH Pay Day. Get your entries in and keep your eyes peeled for the Prize Patrol – they just might be coming to your neighborhood!
Russell S.
PCH Creative