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June Winnings At PCHSearch&Win

Things are heating up!

Can you feel it?

We feel it here at PCH, and we can tell that our fans are ready to rumble and win this summer!

Yes, summer! Say goodbye to June and goodbye to spring. We officially stepped into summer last week. I know it’s been hot for a while now, but I see that PCH fans have found something to do while they cool down.

What is it you may ask? Well, we have so many PCHSearch&Win winners for the month of June that I think everyone might have been online searching!

I really have to ask what have you been searching for on PCHSearch&Win? Are you looking for stuff to do in your area this summer, are you planning a weekend trip, or have you been doing some summer online shopping?

Whatever it is you’re doing, I hope you know that when you log in with your first search of the day, you have the chance to WIN!

These are only a few of our PCHSearch&Win winners for the month of June.

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Let’s give our June winners a big round of applause! But wait! This month’s list isn’t closed just yet! As I write this blog and as you read, people are still searching and still winning. There are two more days left in June after all, and next month brings a whole new list of winners. So keep searching for your chance to win and to see YOUR name on our July list of winners!

There is literally no downside to this. All you need to do is search like you do every day on PCHSearch&Win and the next prize could be yours. Imagine being rewarded for doing what you always do? It could really be the best kind of surprise.


Your girl,
Tamara G
PCH Creative Intern

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  1. Satya chandsolongplayed games never get my winning even I win you don’t give my winning s not far you hacking my phone file complain on pch that even iwin don’t bring my money not far give money to your Owen culture people

    1. Hi Satya! I​​​​​​n order to assist you with this matter, we ask that you please reach out to our Customer Service team. Our Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 11 PM & Saturday 8:30 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time: Let me know if you need anything else!

  2. I would love to meet Marlo T and tell her that when the idea for St Jude hospital came to her father’s mind what a vision what a vision with children can be taken care of who have cancer without even having to pay I mean if that’s not one of the most wonderful things in the world you know to give a child an opportunity to live oh boy I bet they appreciate life a whole lot better than myself and a lot of other people when you really think about it some of the greatest people in the world are going to come out of those two hospitals watch and see St Jude hospitals and shrines hospitals you see, you’ll see you’ll see ?.