Could We Interest You In A Guaranteed SuperPrize?

Last Updated: July 26, 2019

$5,000 A Week For Life Definitely Will Be Awarded on August 30!

Take a moment and imagine – you’re dawdling through another of the dog days of summer. Somewhere a radio is playing, while a light breeze gently ruffles the kitchen curtains. Outside, a commotion is beginning to stir. You hear car doors open and shut, bits and pieces of excited conversation, then suddenly, your doorbell rings. You sneak a quick glance out the window and see it’s the Prize Patrol Van! In half-a-heartbeat, you realize that all of your dreams are about to come true. On the other side of the door is the world-famous Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol and they’re about to present you with a “big check” for a guaranteed $5,000 A Week For Life.

It’s going to happen to someone and it might as well be you, right?!? So, with my greatest apologies to Dr. Seuss, here’s a little riff on what could happen if you’ve been dreaming of seeing the Prize Patrol Van. (Note: To the rhythm of Green Eggs and Ham.)

Would you greet them in a van?
Would you smile and shake their hands?
Would you shout and jump for joy?
And bring a smile to every girl and boy!
Would you greet them on the street?
Could you, would you, in the sun and heat?
Go tell the world you’re a PCH winner!
Then take the Prize Patrol out for dinner?
You can enter by going online
Or use a PCH app, that’s equally fine.
But don’t miss your chance on seeing this van
Or having Danielle put a big check in your hand!
So where do you dream of seeing the van?
Will it come by air, by sea, or even on land?
Don’t make a fuss and don’t miss your dinner,
And don’t miss your chance on becoming a winner!
So enter right now and don’t miss a beat
Because winning this prize would be a big treat!
You could win for life (for you and a spouse)
All from the fine folks at Publishers Clearing House!

And there you have it! The world always is a better place with a little laughter, but it’d be no laughing matter if you decided not to enter, because then you would never get to see the Prize Patrol Van pulling up to your home to award this $5,000 A Week For Life prize on August 30th!

So in all due time,
Here’s my final rhyme.
Remember it all comes down to luck,
So enter, and enter often, and you just could win a buck (or a million of ‘em)!

Russell S.
PCH Creative