Today Is The Last Day To Enter To Win $2,500.00 A Week For Life!

Last Updated: December 18, 2019

I don’t know how you feel about tight deadlines, but here in the Creative Department of Publishers Clearing House we live by them! It’s what motivates us to get the job done and why we work so hard as a team to keep the ball rolling!

I know everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays and that most of you have a long “to do” list for today. But I want to urge all of you to pay attention. TODAY IS THE ABSOLUTE LAST DAY to get your entries in for $2,500.00 A Week For Life — an incredible prize that is GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED on Monday, December 30th. That’s why you should add “Enter to Win” to the top of that list for today!

Just Think About All Of That Money!

What a way to end the year! And just in time to help pay off those holiday bills! Imagine that kind of money rolling in week after week for the rest of your life. In only one year you’d have $120,000.00 … and in just five years you’d amass over half a million dollars … and a few years after that you’d have over a MILLION DOLLARS!

Let’s just take a few moments to think about the endless possibilities you could use that money for! You could take your family on an all-expense paid vacation, or go on the shopping spree of a lifetime, or maybe go to the most expensive restaurant you could find and order the entire menu!

Take Action And Enter Today!

Before the day is over, make sure you claim all your entries before time runs out! For starters, just click on the “Enter Now” button in the upper right hand corner of your screen. That will give you a quick entry to win. Then visit our other properties for more chances to win at PCHgames, PCHfrontpage, PCHSearch&Win, the PCH App for Android and more! Remember, entering is fun, it’s fast, and it’s always FREE!

But hurry! You only have until 11:59 PM EST tonight, so it’s time to shake a leg and get at it. And then you can say that you’ve checked “Enter to Win” $2,500.00 A Week For Life off today’s list of things to do … and can start dreaming about what you would do if you won all of that money!

Best of Luck!

Jane M.
PCH Creative

P.S. Be sure to visit the PCH Blog on Monday, December 30th when we’ll take you behind the scenes with the PCH Prize Patrol as they get ready to surprise the winner with $2,500.00 A Week For Life. Follow the clues we’ll be dropping on the blog during the day as the PCH van gets closer to the winner’s home. And don’t forget to follow us on the PCH FanPage on Facebook!