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Top 5,000 Reasons to Enter to Win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”

Hey there, friends and fans!

It’s January 7th and it’s already that time of year — PCH is gearing up to award its first SuperPrize of the 2020s. $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” is GUARANTEED for award on February 28th, and you — yes, you — can get in to win it right now!

As a refresher to old fans and an explanation for new friends, the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize isn’t just any old SuperPrize. If you’re selected the February 28th winner, not only will you receive $5,000.00 a week for life, but AFTER THAT, someone of your choosing will continue to receive a lifetime of weekly payments in the same amount.

Today, I’m here to give you the Top 5,000 reasons to get in to win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”!



Okay, I’m not actually going to list out 5,000 reasons to get in to win now. It would be a VERY long list and I can only imagine that the reasons would start to get…interesting (Reason 2,142. Never reuse a pair of socks; Reason 3,917. Only give your pets water imported from Norway; Reason 4,335. See Hamilton twice a week). But here are 5,000 awesome reasons:

Imagine receiving the “Big Check” from the Prize Patrol, $5,000.00 right then and there. What is the first thing you’re spending it on? Paying down outrageous medical bills or credit card debt? Refurbishing your home or car? Those first $5,000.00 can go a long way, especially since it’s just the first payment.

Here’s another 5,000 reasons! It’s been a few months since you’ve won, and your finances are in order, so you get to stop working and focus on what you want to do: you start building a boat, writing a novel, or maybe even saving up to own your own business! And think of all the time you get back from not having to work. 

Yet another 5,000.00 reasons to get in to win the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize — it’s years after you’ve won, you’re watching your favorite TV show or reading a new book in your newly remodeled living room when your granddaughter calls to tell you that she got into her dream college. How do you think it’ll feel, knowing she can go there and study whatever she wants without worrying about the money?

Every dollar you’d get is a reason to get in to win, and you’d get 5,000 new reasons, every week, for the rest of your life! And that’s not even accounting for what goes on to your loved ones after that!

What would you be most excited to spend the “Forever” Prize on? Let us know in the comments below! Then be sure to visit to get in to win!


Will F. PCH Creative

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  1. Pay off bills, and help my family to see them happy, my Dad who was all about family and helping others, and my church. Thank God for a wonderful Blessing!!!!

  2. Congratulations to your choice. Just claim PCH GWY No 19000 $5,000.00 a week for life plus PCH GWY No. 195000 ,$5,000.00 a week FOREVER. The chosen Bruce, I lost my PCH password and I lost my tokens. Then the phone I had all. The PCH documents register proof I won. 7000 a week for life. .
    To much against me.

  3. WOW! Yes PCH, I’m entering again hoping to be the one who wins $5,000.00 A Week “Forever “! And $25,000.00! Yes I want to Win them “Both “! And Yes I want to meet the Prize Patrol On February 28th! Thanks again PCH, God Bless.

  4. Yes, It would be nice to win $5,00.00 a week forever. As I am a senior and it would be nice to pay all my bills, plus have the $5,000 to move my furniture, boxes, and car to Florida. I am on a waiting list. My daughter is really sick and she needs her Mom. She lays down in the afternoon with pain. My idea is to get her out of that pain and think of something else or do something else. Like painting cards or paint by number to get her mind off of her pain. For her to start thinking positive. And to get both her and her husband to church. Yes, that would be nice to win.

  5. Winning $5,000.00 week forever is great blessing!!!! My friends stopped me from playing and entering, but they never stopped me. I continue entering and playing games because I believe that one of these days PCH is coming to my house, with a BIG CHECK, balloon, and wine!

  6. #3#19500 PCH the one reason for me is to win it, this time around for $5,000.00 a week for life to help others that can use it in just weeks 2/28/2023.

  7. Hello all! For me, the one reason to win $5,000.00 a week forever is to help others that really need it, like homeless people that have nothing after losing
    it all, and would like to start over on getting their lives back on track again, and are serious about it and not just for a hand out. Bless all we can all get along.