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#WinnerWednesday: Playing Every Day Paid Off For Holland W. Of Exmore, VA

Entering PCH sweepstakes every day really DOES pay off, as Holland Wilgus Jr. found out!

When Howie Guja and the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol arrived at his home in Exmore, Virginia to give him the happy news, they were greeted at the door by Holland’s husband, Robert. Howie had a bottle of champagne in one hand, flowers and not one but TWO Big Prizes in the other hand! “Ssh, don’t tell Holland what’s going on but come right back out!”

When Holland appeared on the porch, he seemed dumbfounded. Then Howie presented him with a huge decision: Would he rather take the weekly Grand Prize trip for two to New York City, or take the cash value for $10,000 right then on the spot? Holland considered his choices carefully – he’d like to go to the Big Apple, but then again, $10,000…. In the end, he chose the $10,000 – “I can get my car fixed!”

Holland’s husband often teases him for playing so religiously. He enters the sweepstakes at every morning, without fail, but never expected the Prize Patrol to show up at his door. When asked what motivates him to keep playing, he said, “I thought maybe one day someone would come along like you guys did. It’s awesome.  I play every single day and I never expected to win. But I just did. It’s tremendous.” His advice to other PCHers? Just keep playing!

Do People Really Win Publishers Clearing House?

We get this question all the time, and the answer is a resounding YES! We give away cash and prizes just about every day of the week, and you can read the inspiring and fun stories about previous winners here on the blog. And of course – keep entering!

More Ways To Win!

Looking for more fun ways to collect tokens and enter PCH sweepstakes? If you take any of our brain-tickling, 20-question quizzes at PCHquizzes, you’ll score 200 tokens for each correct answer — that’s a whopping 4,000 tokens per quiz for answering 100% correctly! You can also peruse a short, entertaining slideshow at PCHfrontpage and, if you click through to another slideshow, you’ll bank 1,000 tokens. Pretty easy, right? You’re welcome!

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  1. I am still fighting to keep my house from being actioned off, I’m just about to give up on everything, I had a heart attack and I died and got brought back to life and I had to get a pacemaker put in my chest and it’s all over the stress of being thrown out on the streets. I was in it to win it and then I lost my fb account and my twitter account and my google account and everything was hacked. I’m so tired, I just can’t give up on everything and I want to win it all.

  2. I’m waiting to win the dream house since I am 55 years old married and living with my parents. Husband lives with his parents again, and we are in 2 different states 8 hours apart it’s a real bummer. Fingers crossed ? and I play every day religiously I really need a win right now a place of our own. Feels like we’re back in high school I’m praying everyday we can save money for a place. Since we had to start all over at 50.

  3. Hi, this is Bret my account was broken, someone broke in they hacked my $$$ they stole my information and they’re trying to claim my reward. Is there anything you guys can do to help me, I can tell you the information I had. I have screenshots that say that I’m the winner and everything so I need some help for someone to get back to me. I’ve been calling all these numbers and they just don’t feel like the real numbers, it feels like they’re scams.

    1. Hello Bret, Thank you for contacting PCH. In order for us to assist you with your question we will need a bit more information. We kindly ask that you contact us at your convenience. Our customer service representatives may be reached at We look forward to hearing from you.