Last Updated: September 2, 2014

$1 Million SuperPrize Winner

To the PCH Prize Patrol book of record-breakers, we now can add two names: Philip and Daniel Daltas, the soundest sleepers we have ever come across.  It was 10:00 AM when we started ringing the doorbell at their Orlando, Florida, home … and ringing and ringing.  We could hear it ringing inside; but no answer.  A neighbor was sure there was someone home and joked that she would gladly take the Big Check off our hands.  Then we started knocking too – in fact pounding when the gentler raps didn’t seem to be working.  Finally, just as we started video-taping a message telling fans to “stay tuned for updates,” the front door cracked open.  A sleepy young man knew at once that we were there for his father, a frequent entrant in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  Moments later Philip Daltas appeared and asked, “Have I woken up today?” – clearly thinking he must be dreaming. But it was no dream; we were there with roses, balloons, champagne, video and a $1 Million SuperPrize!

It’s hard to believe” said Philip, our new PCH millionaire – even though he recognized the Prize Patrol from countless viewings on TV.

Is this real?” asked Daniel now wide awake after trying to sleep-off a back injury.

Philip Daltas New PCH Millionaire

Philip’s sister Kathy was similarly incredulous when she heard the news by phone and drove over to see if this was a joke.  She told us that Philip really deserved it, having raised his three adult sons single-handedly since they were very young.

With some health issues straining his finances, Philip was getting ready to downsize to smaller living quarters.  But now the pressure is off and he has the luxury of anticipating a brighter future for himself and his sons.

If this winner’s story warms your heart, consider what your story could be.  Chances are you could use some money.  (We’ve never met a winner who couldn’t!  Often we arrive just in time to avert a financial calamity.

New PCH Millionaire with family

So don’t delay.  Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every chance you get.  Remember: there are lots of chances and lots of ways to win at Publishers Clearing House – every day in fact.

Congratulations Philip! And to the rest of you, the best of luck.

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador


P.S. Fun fact about our new PCH millionaire: His brother-in-law is a former pitcher for the New York Mets, Frank Viola! Danielle Lam’s family is a huge fan! What a small world!