What Makes Your Town a Great Place for the Prize Patrol to Visit?

Last Updated: February 18, 2015

Greetings, fans and friends,

Excitement is in the air! Do you feel it?

Tomorrow – February 27, 2015 – the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol could be in YOUR town, knocking on YOUR door!

Will the Prize Patrol be knocking on your door

That’s right … tomorrow, you could be the lucky winner of $5,000 A Week “Forever” – $5,000.00 a week for life payments just for you, plus, after that, those same weekly payments that would continue on for a special someone you choose!

Many of you have commented that if the PCH Prize Patrol came to your town, you would welcome them with open arms! Some of you have told us that you’d act as a tour guide and show them your area’s beautiful sights! Others have mentioned that you’d take the Prize Patrol to your favorite restaurant for a local specialty!

So, I hand it over to you, fans and friends … what makes your town a great place for the Prize Patrol to visit?

  • Is there some magnificent scenery nearby that’s a “must-see”?


  • Is the place you live in rich in history?
  • Is there a favorite attraction you would love to take the Prize Patrol to, like a park or a museum?

amusement park

  • Is there a restaurant they’ve just got to eat at?


Comment below and tell us what makes YOUR town a special place for the Prize Patrol to visit!

Remember, the Prize Patrol will DEFINITELY be awarding $5,000 A Week “Forever” tomorrow. And hey, you never know … they could be coming to YOUR town!

Good luck!

Debbie K.
PCH Creative

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