New Year, New PCHSuperFan Program!

Last Updated: November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015 Update: This SuperFan promotion was a special promotion that was previously offered to consumers and is not currently being offered.  We constantly vary our promotions to bring new and updated excitement for our Facebook Fans, because they’re all Super! To get in on any new Facebook fan promotions, all you have to do is “Like” us on the PCH Facebook page at and watch for new offers!

Hey blog readers!

Have you heard about the new 2015 PCHSuperFan program? First, register to become a PCHSuperFan  and then, watch the following video where Danielle explains all the awesome benefits.


We know that there are A LOT of benefits so here’s a recap:

If you are a registered PCHSuperFan and win a prize between $10,000 and $100,000, we’ll double that prize. YES, DOUBLE!

If you are a registered PCHSuperFan and win a prize over $100,000, you’ll get an additional $10,000 a year FOR LIFE.

Not to mention, all SuperFans who win a prize over $10,000 will be surprised with another $1,000 cash at the prize delivery.

When any PCHSuperFan wins a sweepstakes between $10,000 and $100,000, we’ll select another five SuperFans from that sweeps to win $1,000. If a PCHSuperFan wins over $100,000, we’ll choose TEN other SuperFans from that sweeps to win $1,000.

PCHSuperFans also get access to exclusive daily scratch cards at worth up to $3,000.

So what are you waiting for?! Register to become a PCHSuperFan today!

Cara F.
Social Media Manager

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