Last Updated: June 15, 2015

Win it all PCH Sweepstakes

It seems that competition isn’t limited to athletics these days — like college and professional sports, golf classics or tennis tournaments.  You can hardly turn on the TV without seeing a competition between dancers, chefs, home decorators, models, singers, dogs, overweight persons or beaches.  Indeed, houses are even competing against each other to see which one will be picked by “house hunters” at home and abroad.

Chances are you aren’t participating in one of those televised contests.  But I’ll tell you one competition that you can — and should — participate in without delay: The PCH Sweepstakes!
Why?  Because entering this “competition” doesn’t require a particular skill or talent or prowess.  Nope.  All you have to do is enter and you’ll have as good a chance of winning PCH’s next giant prize as anybody else.  It’s easy, and the more times you enter, the more chances you’ll have to win.

And here’s the really exciting part: Right now there’s a truly incredible prize being offered — it’s our “Win It All” Prize. A winner would receive $2,000,000 at once, PLUS $10,000 A Month For Life, PLUS a Brand New Luxury Car. Can you imagine?!?

So don’t delay. Our Special Early Look prize event is coming up real soon – on June 30th – and right now, there’s only days left to enter! Enter the PCH Sweepstakes at once at, and on June 30th, our Prize Patrol could show up at your door — with roses, balloons, champagne and a multi-million dollar prize!

Join the competition! And good luck!

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador