“The Wonderful Aroma of a NEW Car”
I guess we’ve all experienced at one time or another the smell of a new car. What a special fragrance that is! How would you describe it? Tantalizing? Delicious? Exciting? Awesome? Alluring? Bakery or factory fresh? Whatever adjective you use, most would agree “How nice it is!”
The sad thing is that most of us don’t get to experience that wonderful aroma as often as we’d like. The car you’re driving may have been new at one time, but that was long ago. A used car may be spiffed up and “certified,” but it’s no substitute for the real thing. Air fresheners and deodorizers don’t really do the job of masking a previous owner’s careless activities – or appetites.
So what if we were able to tell you that “A Brand New Car” could be yours real soon? That before long you’d have the cash for a car of your dreams? That you could retire that old clunker that is driving you crazy and eating up every spare dollar in repairs?
Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Well remember, we’re definitely awarding the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize this February – a prize that pays $5,000.00 a week for the life of a winner, plus after that, $5,000.00 a week for the life of someone a winner chooses. Imaging if you won. First you’d smell the roses that arrive with the Big Check. Then, after depositing the real check in the bank, you could hurry to the new car showroom where you could sample that new car aroma to your heart’s delight.
And what would make it especially nice is that your brand new car would just be “icing on the cake” — because a PCH “Forever” Prize would let you buy lots of items on your “wish list.” With your hugely expanded bank account you could afford new digs, or a long-delayed vacation, or gifts for the family or – you name it.
So, if I’ve gotten your mouth watering, do what the winners do: Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every chance you get. And that means every day!
Wishing you the best of luck – and happy motoring.
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador
P.S. We have a question for you. If you had a new car, where would you drive to first? Comment below and let us know!