It’s Always Fair Weather When PCH Arrives

Last Updated: March 13, 2017

Win the PCH Sweeps, and you could have a warm feeling all over!

In the past few months the Prize Patrol has traveled to some pretty cold climates. Maybe you live in one of them and are still thawing out from a bitter winter.  In some instances our navy blue blazers have had to cover a few layers of clothing to keep us warm.  (Yours truly wore extra wool socks and even long underwear when we were in sub-freezing Michigan in January!)

But as far as the winners are concerned no day is too cold to fling open the front door and give us a warm reception.  Sometimes they will be in stocking feet and skimpy clothing but step outside into frigid cold to welcome us.  “I’m fine” they say. “I’ve never felt warmer in my life!”

Yes sir, it’s always fair weather when the Prize Patrol shows up to surprise the winner of the PCH Sweeps — with roses, balloons and (ta-dahh!) the Big Check!  Whether the prize award is worth thousands or millions (!) of dollars the blessing is a cause for celebration: hopes have been realized, prayers have been answered and now bills can be paid, postponed health issues can be tackled, household repairs can be made, a much needed vacation can be taken or the urgent needs of a loved one or special cause can be addressed.

How about you?  No matter where you live – even in the milder Sun Belt, wouldn’t a Big Check from Publishers Clearing House take the chill out of the air and make it feel like the middle of summer?

If your answer is YES, click on the link to at the upper right corner of this blog and enter the PCH Sweepstakes today — and every day.  Before you know it you could experience the exciting warmth of a PCH “winning moment.”

Wishing you the best of luck!

Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador

P.S. What’s the weather like in your part of the country? Comment below!