Are You a Believer in PCH?

Last Updated: April 12, 2011

Hello PCH blog readers,

Just a few weeks ago, I started seeing a different doctor for a check-up. As we talked, the normal topic of, “What do you do?” came up. I smiled and said that I worked for a local company, and that I also worked for Publishers Clearing House.

“NO WAY!” he exclaimed. “So… you go around handing out big checks to people?”

“Well, yes!” I said.

Of course, just the other night, his wife was telling him that ‘no one ever wins those things.’

In my role as Publishers Clearing House’s Goodwill Ambassador, I’ve had the honor of sharing my story in many different ways. I was recently featured on TLC’s The Lottery Changed My Life, and several on-line sites have interviewed me. Slowly but surely, the public is starting to realize that people really DO win!

I’ve also had the privilege to simply interact with people as I travel around the country with the Prize Patrol. My most recent stop in Arkansas was another success. In fact, two workers in at the flower shop recognized me from my profile on The Lottery Changed My Life! It was the first time that someone from outside my area recognized me. I chatted with them awhile and shared some pictures of my dream home, made possible by my SuperPrize win in 2008.

After we surprised our newest SuperPrize winner, Mrs. Karen Anderson, the Prize Patrol headed to the airport. That day was extremely stormy out east, and flights were delayed and cancelled. I found that my own flight had been cancelled due to bad weather.

I made my way to the ticketing counter to find out my options, and lo and behold, a direct flight to Detroit was available! I told the agent that a silver lining always finds me somehow. The ticketing agent asked me if I was lucky. I laughed and shared my story again. This time, the agent called over to her co-worker, telling him that I helped to deliver a big check to someone in the area, and received one myself a few years ago. The original agent had already rubbed my arm for luck, but the second agent wasn’t having any of that. He JUMPED over the counter and grabbed me in a bear hug!!!

I think I’ve made a few more people believers in Publishers Clearing House. Keep on entering! Who knows? Maybe your next entry will make others believers too!


Natalie Bostelman

PCH Goodwill Ambassador

2008 SuperPrize Winner