A Day in the Life of Tamara, PCH Creative Intern

Hello PCH People!!!
Tamara here.
I’ve been writing blogs for you all since I got to PCH this January, but I realized that you don’t know much about me. So today, I’m going to tell you all more about myself and what I do here at PCH.
But before that, I just want to say THANK YOU to all of my blog readers. I love reading your comments and I appreciate all of you. I always learn so much about you that way, so keep it coming! In my recent blog, What To Search For This Month I came up with an April showers checklist for things to search for on PCHSearch&Win. I asked blog readers what they like to do on rainy days, and what I should add to that checklist. I learned that some of you garden, but not on rainy days. Some of you like singing in the rain or playing cards and board games and doing jigsaw puzzles. Others live in the desert, so it doesn’t rain that much and some of you like to just cuddle and watch TV. Also, I was reminded that I should definitely add new tires to the April showers checklist. I won’t forget! Thank you for that!
A little about me and life at PCH!
Before I started working at PCH I heard a lot of rumors that PCH was not real. Well, I’d like everyone to know that PCH is VERY real!It’s been amazing being a part of the PCH team. I love the PCH headquarters and guess what, there’s flavored water in the cafeteria for FREE and every day there are different flavors. Today I got berry-melon flavored water! I know it’s only water, but now you know that I love drinking water, and it’s probably one of my favorite perks here!
On a daily basis at PCH I work on the blogs. If I’m not writing a blog, I’m scheduling blogs from other writers on this site so that they get posted on time so you guys can read them!
If you are a PCH customer and you like to order our products, I actually help out with that, too. I help the Creative Team with writing those product descriptions and telling you all about those great features before you buy.
What I love the most about working at PCH is the support I get from the people I work with. The Creative Team is full of amazing people. At many internships, interns find themselves grabbing coffee and doing menial tasks. As an intern at PCH, I am getting well-rounded experience and play an important role on the team. Every day that I am here, I become a better communicator and professional.
Lucky for me (and maybe for you, too, if you like my blogs), I’m staying a bit longer than this semester. I’ll be here all summer long! So look out for my blogsand remember, STAY IN IT TO WIN IT!
Your girl,
Tamara G
Creative Intern
P.S. I enjoy getting to know my blog readers. What is your favorite thing about your job or your favorite part of your daily routine?