A Million Dollar Winner’s 2nd Anniversary Thanks

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Million Dollar Winner Stephanie Gornichec and her husband Shaun were surprised by the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol with a life-changing SuperPrize two years ago this month.  For this lucky Idaho couple that winning moment (visible at pchtv.com “Prize Patrol to the Rescue”) has brought the Gornichecs financial security plus the freedom to “go adventuring.”

Life-changing high points for the Gornichecs include (1) tremendous economic relief for Stephanie — who had lost her job the year before and was in need of financial security, (2) the immediate removal of the For Sale sign in front of their house, (3) a trip to Chicago to appear with the Prize Patrol on the Windy City’s most famous national TV talk show, and (4) starting an online golfing business called Golf Addicts. (http://golfaddicts.com/).

Stephanie has kept in touch with us regarding their adventures and never fails to express to PCH her gratitude for their good fortune from the life-changing SuperPrize.  Her most recent email says “We once again thank you and the Prize Patrol for the blessings you brought that day, and we thank you every day.”

As you would expect, Million Dollar Winner Stephanie is a big fan of Publishers Clearing House.  The Gornichecs’ website, golfaddicts.com, includes a personal testimonial about PCH that will urge you to enter the PCH sweepstakes – just in case my encouragement is not enough!  Click here for the link.

Stephanie will also be featured on an October telecast of “The Lottery Changed My Life” on The Learning Channel.   Stay tuned for a specific airdate and time.

How would YOU like to win a life-changing SuperPrize like Million Dollar Winner Stephanie?  Believe me: it can happen.  But you must ENTER the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!  And that’s easy.  A simple click on this link to pch.com will get you started.   Enter the SuperPrize Sweepstakes today and every day for more chances to win!  Your own winning moment could be just around the corner.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Dave Sayer

PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador

P.S.  To read Prize Patrol updates from the road and watch the winning moment video of our next millionaire SuperPrize winner, go to the PCH Facebook Fan page on August 31, 2011!