An Unexpected Wedding Present from Publishers Clearing House

Last Updated: October 7, 2013

On September 7th the PCH Prize Patrol was on the road to surprise another lucky winner with $10,000.00 – Scott Kent!  This time we were on our way to New Hampshire, a place I personally have never been, so I was very excited. After a smooth flight from New York and an easy time finding the winner’s home – I couldn’t help but think that this Prize Patrol trip would be an easy success.  BUT, after a few knocks at the door, we came to the sad realization that Scott was not home. Yet again, the Prize Patrol had to revert to plan “b” and ask the neighbors for help.  Luckily, we were guided to the main office of the community.

As we walked into the main office – we got such a huge reaction from the ladies working there, it’s as if THEY had won the PCH Sweepstakes themselves!  They couldn’t believe that the Prize Patrol was REAL and we were actually standing in front of them!  After a few minutes of excitement and distributing of souvenir Prize Patrol pens, the ladies were on the hunt – the investigation began.  As always, community members are excited and willing to help the Prize Patrol find their local winner.  Within a few minutes we found out where Scott worked and were on our way!

The Prize Patrol arrived at Scott’s workplace and immediately created quite a buzz in the main lobby.  Within minutes I looked up and saw crowds of people looking down at us from the balconies!  All the onlookers were in complete SHOCK.  Over and over again I was being told “I can’t believe it –you ARE real.  I’m going to go enter right now!”  The energy of this winning moment was already incredible…and the winner hadn’t even arrived yet!

Scott was hard at work when a coworker told him to rush down to the lobby.  Within minutes the big winner arrived – Scott Kent!  Overwhelmed and completely caught off guard, all he could get out at first was “WOW”.  Usually we will ask about the winner’s family – but little did we know, Scott’s wife was standing right next to him! Yup – Scott and his wife Ashley work together!  The romance between Scott and Ashley began when they met each other at work …and they got married less than a year ago from their big PCH win!  I guess you could call this prize a wedding present from Publishers Clearing House. This is a story near and dear to my heart since I also met my husband while working at Publishers Clearing House and was married a year ago yesterday (September 19th) actually.

PCHlotto Winner Scott Kent

Scott works as a Family & Medical Leave Specialist where it is basically his job to do his best in helping an employee keep their job if they are missing work due to a serious medical condition.  Well Scott, after all you do to help others, we are so pleased to be able to help YOU.

Scott told us that he’d seen us on TV and figured, why not try it!  And that whim certainly paid off – in the form of a BIG $10,000 check from Publishers Clearing House! Scott got his big win on! This money will certainly be put to good use. “Maybe we’re a little closer to getting that house now” – after a celebratory dinner of course.  “You made my day, let’s just say that.  Awesome!  Publishers Clearing House Baby!”

PCHlotto Winner Scott Kent

Watch Scott’s exciting winning moment and then enter for a chance to win a big prize of your own!  You never know, the Prize Patrol could show up at your door next – but only if you enter.  Best of luck in the sweepstakes!

PCHlotto Winner Scott Kent

Danielle Lam of the Prize Patrol

Danielle Lam

Senior Member PCH Prize Patrol Elite