Are You A PCH Power Player?

Last Updated: October 30, 2014

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Just a few days ago, we sent out “Thank You” Bulletins to some of our most active Sweepstakes participants with very special news. We told them that thanks to their loyalty, support and dedication, they had earned the elite distinction of being a PCH Power Player!

And that, my friends, is quite an honor. You see, PCH Power Player is our absolute highest level – a most exclusive group – reserved only for the top 1% of Publishers Clearing House active Sweepstakes participants.

How do you achieve PCH Power Player status? By being one of our most active Sweepstakes participants – a VIP – in at least 3 PCH programs (such as our mail or e-mail Bulletins,, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames, PCHlotto, etc.)

Now being a PCH Power Player is more than just having a fancy name – it also comes with its rewards. That’s why many of these “Thank You” Bulletins included surprise free gifts – everything from a “Big Check” sticker, a Prize Patrol van bank or even a $10 Check! Exciting, right?


Well, we’ve been eager to find out how our PCH Power Players felt about this new honor – and we’ve been thrilled to see so many of you enthusiastically sharing pictures of your gifts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all week. In fact, every time Danielle sees one, she’s been reposting them on her Instagram page. But we want to see more!!! So please, if you received a PCH Power Player Bulletin, share it with us! You can tweet or Instagram them to Danielle Lam with the hashtag #pchpowerplayer!

Now for those of you who didn’t receive the PCH Power Player Bulletin, don’t be discouraged! Stay in it to win it, and your surprise could come real soon! 🙂 If you quit now, you’ll never become one – and that would really be a shame!

And remember everyone, with all our PCH programs there are SO many ways to play and win at Publishers Clearing House. So why not try them all?

• Publishers Clearing House mail and e-mail Bulletins

Best of luck to everyone and thanks again to all our PCH Power Players!

Amanda C.
PCH Creative