Are You Entering the PCH Sweepstakes on Autopilot?

Greetings, fans and friends,
Are you entering the PCH Sweepstakes on autopilot? That’s what one of our fans stated recently on this blog. And I know, from reading your comments, that many of you make entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweeps part of your daily routine.
And why not?! PCH is free to enter – plus there are so many ways to enter, you absolutely should be “in it to win it” every day in every way possible!
Entering to win the PCH Sweeps could become as much a part of your daily life as eating and sleeping. In fact, here’s how a typical day could go for you when you include entering the PCH Sweepstakes. (Obviously, these are just examples; you can custom-tailor this schedule to your daily life as you see fit.)
7:00 AM Get out of bed, then find out what the day’s weather will be with PCHfrontpage or the PCHfrontpage App for Android or iPhone, where your searching could lead to incredible prizes, including our newest $7,000 A Week For Life SuperPrize event.
8:00 AM If you commute to work, why not play a few card games or word games at Games. It’s a great way to while away the time. Plus, you could score tokens to get in to win PCH prizes!
1:00 PM Lunchtime! Between bites of that ham sandwich, why not grab your phone and call in an entry to Publishers Clearing House? Simply dial 1-800-459-4724 and choose option #2!
7:00 PM Need a moment to relax after dinner? Enter the PCH Sweepstakes by sending us a postcard! Mail it to Publishers Clearing House, 101 Winners Circle, Jericho, NY 11753 (each entry must be mailed separately).
11:00 PM Nighty-night! Why not relax and unwind with some soothing music? Search on PCHsearch&win for a soothing song, or if you prefer, a special prayer. With your first search of the day after logging in, you’ll gain entry into our life-changing SuperPrize!
Folks, see how easy it is to enter the PCH Sweeps on autopilot? Why not make Publishers Clearing House part of your daily routine? Because if you don’t enter, you can’t win!
Good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative