Are You on the $1,000.00 A Day For Life Winner Selection List?

Hi, my friends!
I’m asking because of the tremendous PCH prize opportunity coming up fast. It’s for a prize that can only be won by someone with an entry on PCH’s Winner Selection List — the record of all timely entries eligible to win PCH’s $1,000.00 A Day for Life in our special early look prize event on October 25th.
Let’s make sure that YOU have an entry on PCH’s $1,000.00 A Day For Life Winner Selection List!
Activating entries on the PCH Winner Selection List is easy … plus it’s fun and FREE! Every day — right up to the last day we can accept entries for winning $1,000.00 A Day for Life — you can activate multiple prize numbers by entering at these PCH online sites:, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames, PCHlotto, the PCH Fan Page on Facebook, and PCHfrontpage.
It’s a good idea to enter as often as you can, because you never know which of your numbers on the PCH $1,000.00 A Day For Life Winner Selection List could turn out to match the winner!
Someone’s will become a PCH Millionaire on October 25th — Maybe YOU if you’re on the Winner Selection List!
Even if the matching winning number for PCH’s $1,000.00 A Day for Life special early look prize event ISN’T returned in time, we guarantee to award One Million Dollars in a second chance drawing. Who wouldn’t love getting a million bucks just for having a good time playing our games and searching the Web with PCHSearch&Win?
Bottom line: if you want to win $1,000.00 A Day for Life on October 25th, you’ve GOT to be on the Winner Selection List.
So start entering at all of PCH’s fun, FREE-to-play sites right now and as often as you can. You’ll add another prize number every time to the Winner Selection List, where you’ve got to be if you want to win a tremendous lifetime prize. Remember, all timely entries are on the list!
Good luck!
Marybeth, your PCH Blog Lady