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After many years as one of those “Mad Men” with New York ad agencies, I joined Publishers Clearing House in 1981 as Director of Advertising. Initially I got to know our sweepstakes winners when they were brought to our Port Washington, NY headquarters to collect their prizes. Then, in 1988, Todd Sloane and I started the Prize Patrol, delivering Big Checks in-person to winners’ homes and video-taping their surprise and excitement for our TV commercials. Along the way I was interviewed on countless TV and radio talk shows, spreading the word on the absolute reality of our televised “winning moments.” Now, after more than a thousand winner visits -- awarding over $300 million in prizes, I am less active in PCH’s day-to-day business but still travel from coast to coast as Prize Patrol Ambassador. I never tire of knocking on doors and “knocking the socks off” lucky PCH fans; it's a thrill every single time. When not on PCH duty I'm involved in various community and church activities, play the piano, play bridge, bike, exercise, and walk our two dogs.
Last Updated: September 7, 2017

We Prize Patrol’ers can’t remember a more exciting “winning moment” than the one we experienced with our newest SuperPrize winner –with a hundred other people plus countless Facebook “live” fans — on August 31st. We arrived at winner Jane Goodwin’s Boston area residence at 11 AM, but found only her husband at home. At first […]

Last Updated: August 16, 2017

I just watched the latest episode of “Inside PCH” live on Facebook, and what fun it was!  For understandable reasons I love seeing my Prize Patrol colleagues Danielle and Howie “on the air” talking about all the adventures and goings-on at Publishers Clearing House — the great company I’ve been associated with for 36 years! […]

Last Updated: July 26, 2017

I was finishing shopping at our local supermarket the other day, and as the check-out lady started scanning my items she looked up and exclaimed “My gosh!  You know who you look like?” I said “No. Who?” – expecting her to mention my twin brother who actually lives in the same town and shops in […]

Last Updated: July 5, 2017

When the Prize Patrol arrived at the Buchanan Dam, Texas home of Eva Heatley and found no one home except their chihuahua Tabasco, they turned to the usual “Plan B” and asked neighbors for help.  Luckily the woman next door had a cell phone number for Eva and called her to say there was a […]

Last Updated: June 23, 2017

We had some Chinese take-out food the other night – and found in the big brown bag, along with sauce packets and extra rice, those wonderful mini-desserts: fortune cookies! Naturally we shared our good fortune messages that were written on those little slips of paper inside. Mine said “A new wardrobe brings great joy …” […]

Last Updated: June 19, 2017

As most of you have heard, Publishers Clearing House is moving.  By early July all our personnel and office stuff will have been relocated to new facilities about fifteen miles away.  Understandably there is a lot of excitement: about the new surroundings, the sleek design, the ultra-modern work/meeting spaces, the technological benefits, and — for […]

Last Updated: June 15, 2017

You’ve probably seen the instruction on a shampoo bottle that says “Lather, Rinse, Repeat.” Whether that makes the product work any better I don’t know, but it does hasten the purchase of another bottle. On Prize Patrol recently we saw a restaurant with a like-minded sign in the window: “Meet, Eat, Drink, Repeat.” Good for […]

Last Updated: May 9, 2017

Our Prize Patrol deputies have been all across the country awarding big Sweepstakes prizes.  By my estimate I’ve spent hundreds and hundreds of hours travelling across this land.  I’ve delivered Big Checks representing millions and millions of dollars – not to mention the countless roses and balloons. But you know what?  There’s one state I […]

Last Updated: May 4, 2017

“We Deliver” is a phrase used to describe pizza makers and florists and milkmen. And you can safely add the PCH Prize Patrol to that list – because we really deliver Big Checks worth thousands, even millions, of dollars to people’s homes! And you know what else we deliver? Heartwarming experiences — for the winners […]

Last Updated: May 3, 2017

People are always asking the Prize Patrol, “We see you knock on doors.  But what if the winner isn’t home?”  Well, we go to “Plan B” and ask neighbors if they have any idea where our winner might be. That’s what we attempted when no one answered at Martha Fryar’s house in Fairmont, West Virginia.  […]