Be Thankful! You Get A Last Chance To Win A “Cornucopia Of Cash!”

Last Updated: October 7, 2013

Oh, what a great time of year this is! Sure, the days are getting shorter and, yes, a little nippier. But that means more time spent getting cozy with loved ones indoors. Snuggling together under toasty blankets, maybe in front of a crackling fireplace, mugs of cocoa (with or without marshmallows) warming cold hands. Perfection!

I think Mother Nature definitely had a plan with the weather for this time of year, making it such a great time to sit back and be thankful for all that we have as we prepare to officially usher in the Holiday Season and take stock of all the abundance in our lives!

So what better time than now to “stockpile” some cold, hard CASHA “Cornucopia of Cash“!

Throughout history, the cornucopia, also sometimes called the “horn of plenty,” has symbolized abundance, fertility and our favorite: FORTUNE! And that’s why we’re so excited to offer a Cornucopia of Cash (Giveaway No. 2122) prize this Thanksgiving Day! That’s right: 2 lucky winners will each clinch $500.00 in CASH in just days!

What would you do with $500.00 right now? Would you beef up your Holiday gift-giving lists? Purchase that extra-special something your spouse or kids have been wishing for all year? Maybe you’ll get really into the spirit of “thanks” and “giving”, and make a generous Holiday donation. Even a portion of $500.00 buys a nice amount of “Toys For Tots,” small gifts for nursing home patients, a slew of canned goods for those in need, or DVDs and books for service men and women away from home for the Holidays, protecting the precious gift of our freedom!

Whatever you would decide to use the money for, if you were selected the winner, is up to you! Time is running out to enter for your chance to win. That’s right! Today is the LAST DAY you can enter for your chance to win a $500.00 Cornucopia of Cash prize from Publishers Clearing House. Remember: TWO lucky winners will be announced this Thanksgiving Day.  YOU could be one of them if you enter now! Your first search on PCHSearch&Win today gives you your final entries into this Giveaway – 5x entries to be exact!

Good luck!

Francine L
PCH Creative

P.S. Speaking of Mother Nature and mothers in general… I promised my mother-in-law I’d make a side dish for Thanksgiving and now I need some simple, delicious side dish recipes–and quick! Any ideas? Please comment below. And have a wonderful, joyous and bountiful Thanksgiving!

Today is the last day to help the Prize Patrol on the PCH Fan page. Enter the answer below.

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