You Could Become A Member Of THE WINNERS CIRCLE!

Last Updated: November 3, 2017

The PCH Winners Circle is a prestigious group made up of determined people who believed they could win. Whether it took minutes, hours, days or years, they kept going and never quit. We want you to stay determined and become a part of this incredible club. You, too, could win a SuperPrize and become a distinguished Member of the Winners Circle!

Do you dream about becoming a Member of the PCH Winners Circle? I think it’s safe to say that just about every PCH fan does. But to become a PCH Winner, you need to be tenacious. That means you cannot lack conviction, and you must adopt the attitude, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” But don’t take my word for it, look at what some of our Winners Circle members had to say:

  • “I entered every day – 10 times a day!” — $5.000 A Week “Forever” SuperPrize Winner, Tamar Howard
  • “Don’t give up. I never give up, and I won.” — $10,000 SuperPrize Winner, Yvonne Pollack
  • “I never gave up. I kept entering it for years, and I just won a million dollars.” — 1 Million SuperPrize Winner, Rosemary Cella

As you can see, the common themes here are faith and determination: don’t give up – keep trying. It reminds me of those adorable old posters we used to have with a kitten clinging to a tree branch with the quote, “hang in there!” Remember those? Do you have a personal motto or favorite quote that keeps you going – even when things aren’t going your way? What inspires you to keep trying? Let’s all share in the comments section below.

Maybe you’re already a member of The PCH Winners Circle. If so, by all means tell us in the comments section below what you’ve won! And if you aren’t a member yet, do you believe you will be someday?

Even though any time is the perfect time to win at Publishers Clearing House, becoming a member of the Winners Circle with a SuperPrize win right now would bring you $2.6 Million Upfront Plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life! That is a huge amount of money! If that’s not motivating, I don’t know what is! That’s why I urge all of you to put on your determination hats, enter often and keep the faith because you never know what award day could bring. Hopefully the Prize Patrol will show up at your door on December 22nd with a Big Check, and you, too, could join The PCH Winners Circle!

Tina P.
Online Creative