Behind the Scenes as PCH Awards a BIG $2,500 A Week For Life SuperPrize!

Last Updated: December 30, 2019

Greetings, fans and friends,

The year is about to come to a close but the sweet life is about to begin for a lucky winner out there … because Publishers Clearing House is putting an exclamation point at the end of 2019 with a HUGE guaranteed SuperPrize! That’s right, the PCH Prize Patrol is at it again, about to make someone’s life change with $2,500.00 A Week For Life!

The all-important question is: Could that lucky person be YOU?

What would YOU do if the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol knocked on your door today? What would YOU say if you saw that Big Check for $2,500.00 A Week For Life? Would you scream? Cry? Faint? Or just stand there in shock?

While you’re imagining what your reaction might be if you won the PCH SuperPrize today, make sure to visit this PCH blog post throughout the day for intriguing “clues from the road”. And don’t forget to view exciting behind-the-scenes photos and videos featured on our social media pages.

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CONGRATULATIONS to Joan Geringer of Woodbridge, Virginia – the lucky recipient of our $2,500.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize (and a PCH VIP Elite entrant)! Her husband David answered the door and couldn’t believe his eyes. Joan came out visibly shaking and thrilled. Her son eventually came to the door, too, and he was thrilled. Joan wants to use the money for home renovations and a family trip to Hawaii.

We’re so happy to make Joan’s dreams come true!

And if it happens that if you are not a winner today, rest assured that here at Publishers Clearing House, the winning never stops … which means there’s every reason for you to enter every day in every way you can!

Good luck!
Debbie K.